Risa's Astrology

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Risa's Astrology

Unparalleled Times, On the Precipice of Light & Dark

In this Kali Yuga time, when the dark is allowed to be seen, we finds ourselves poised on the precipice of dark and light and participating in a great battle

Risa's Astrology

When Skeletons Glide By & Things Go Bump in the Night!

In Libra, we are made aware of two polarized realities to choose from. In Scorpio we act upon and see the consequences of our choices. Now the Sun is in

Risa's Astrology

Words Are Magic

Friday night, October 22, the Sun entered Scorpio, our most mysterious of signs (except for Pisces). We look forward to that ‘something wicked our way comes’, when Scorpio arrives! And

Risa's Astrology

Drops of Jupiter, Calling Humanity

The cycles of Jupiter and Saturn, direct then retrograde, then direct again, are once again in the astrological news. Saturn turned direct last Sunday, at seven degrees Aquarius (moving forward

Risa's Astrology

How & When Change Happens– to most this is unknown!

Change occurs when the planets in the heavens “interact” with our natal planets in our astrology charts (picture of the heavens at birth). Change does notoccur otherwise. That is the

Risa's Astrology

Healing Wounds, Our Prayers Like Incense

Reminding ourselves we are now working under the Sun in Libra and Mercury retrograde in Libra, which will continue ‘til October 18 (station direct at 10 degrees Libra). We remain

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How to Create Peace

Wednesday to Thursday evening (Sept 15 -16), at the sighting of the first star in the heavens, is the Jewish Festival of Yom Kippur, Day of Forgiveness. We ask for

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Careful To Not Lose the Language of the Heart

In our Esoteric Institute we celebrate all major cultural and religious festivals throughout the year. When the Jewish Festival of Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) begins, we know that autumn

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Virgo — Temple of Light, Temple of Day

Under Virgo (Madonna, Divine Mother, Mother of the World) humanity is called to cultivate the virtues of cleanliness and purity. Purity of thought, words and action, Purity of foods and

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Uranus – Awakening Humanity from Slumber

Looking Up! In the night skies, look for Venus, a golden starry light along with bright Jupiter (beginning August 20th). Both are visible through December 31st. The sky is brilliant