Aquarian Salon – Gathering for Art, Astrology & Discussion
A Salon is a gathering of people for discussion about something – art, literature, events of the day. Dear Readers, in the past year a group of us has created
Don’t be fooled: Long hair doesn’t equal better hair
Q. My husband just had a haircut and he looks so much better and younger or at least like he isn’t faking his age. He waits too long between haircuts,
How to look professional and still feel warm
Q. I keep hoping that the cold weather is over for the year, only to wake up and find myself freezing for yet another day. I am wondering how to
2025 Lunar & Chinese New Year of the Green Wood Snake
Esoteric Astrology as news for week January 29-February 4, 2025 2025 Lunar & Chinese New Year of the Green Wood Snake Happy Happy Chinese New Year – a children’s book
Aquarius – Waters of Life for Thirsty Humanity
Esoteric Astrology as news for week January 22 – 28, 2025 We are now under the light of Aquarius, sign of humanity, of freedom and of the new era unfolding
How to hide that belly and look good doing it
Q. No matter how I dress, my belly hangs over my belt. It is not an enormous beer belly, but I have to be realistic that it isn’t going to
Nodal Changes Continued – Journey of Maturation
After traveling through Libra and Aries since July 17, 2023, the Lunar Nodes now begin to transit through the Virgo-Pisces axis, remaining there until July 27, 2026. Every eighteen months,
The subtleties of an all denim outfit
Q. I have one of the new quasi-dress shirts that you have written about where the inside of the collar and cuffs are a different pattern/fabric from the shirt. In this case
Lunar Nodes of Destiny Change – Past, Present & Future
In astrology, there are two symbols in an astrology chart ]called the North and South Nodes, Lunar Nodes or Nodes of Destiny. In Vedic astrology they are the head or
Invest in clothes, invest in hair too
Q. In today’s column you wrote about men who aren’t willing to invest in their clothes, which is certainly something I see. I am more shocked by those who ignore