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Male Call

Downsizing? What clothes to keep and which to purge

Q. My husband and I are trying to empty a room that has been essentially our walk-in closet. Our grandson will use it to stay when he goes to college

Risa's Astrology

The Month of May, Beltane, Fire Festival, Between Spring & Summer

May is a beautiful, fragrant, flower-filled, celebratory month. The first day of May is Beltane – an ancient spring festival. It is a cross quarter day between spring and summer.

Male Call

How to extend the life of men’s shirts

Q. I remember you wrote something about turning a shirt collar inside out, or having a tailor do so. How does that work and how much would that cost? Is it

Risa's Astrology

Passover, Mercury Stations Direct, Aquarian Salon

We are now in the time of Passover (Pesach), the Jewish festival of freedom and the story of the Angel of Death passing over the homes of the Hebrew people

Male Call

Are solid-color ties out of date?

Q. Are solid-color ties out of date? In the past I would wear a solid black tie, but now I fear it looks 1960’s. Obviously some still wear solid red,

Risa's Astrology

Wesak Full Moon Festival – Buddha Blesses the World

The Wesak Buddha Full Moon Festival is Tuesday, April 23, 2024. After Sun enters Taurus on Friday, after Saturday’s transit of Jupiter/Uranus in Taurus (the real beginning of the Aquarian

Male Call

Stripes: When to wear and not wear

Q. Is there any truth to the concept of not wearing horizontal stripes? I have always worn rugby shirts, but I also always hear they make you look fat. I’m

Risa's Astrology

The Aries Solar Eclipse Effects Continue

Although the total solar (Sun was hidden) eclipse occurred last Monday, April 8th, the effects of the eclipse did not end on that day. Eclipses are in effect for six

Male Call

I love layers, but what goes under what?

Q. Either the daily weather changes more than it used to or I have become more sensitive. Whatever the reason, I find myself switching from feeling too hot to too

Risa's Astrology

April – Mercury Retrograde & the Path of the Eclipse

April 1st began with Mercury stationing retrograde in Aries, sign of the Initiator. Eight days later, on April 8 we have a total solar eclipse. Both events are important, appearing