Leading Humanity Towards the Light
We have a busy & complex week. Friday, at the UN, the first General Assembly Forum on the Culture of Peace is convened. See Peace building tools and events – http://cultureofpeace.org/news/417-cpiforumatun.
Saturday is the Virgo new moon (24 degrees). On the United States’ Neptune, it calls the United States to its spiritual task – to stand within and lead humanity towards that Light.” During the new moon, the New Group of World Servers, in meditation, radiates this task to the U.S. government. Everyone is invited to join. Sunday Mercury enters Libra helping us communicate with Goodwill creating balanced and Right Relations.
Monday is the 1st anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, the people’s revolution. Tuesday, as Pluto in Cap turns stationary direct, the U.N. General Assembly’s 67th Session opens.
Wednesday Uranus (again) squares Pluto (Aries/Capricorn, 7 degrees) creating breakthroughs, transformations, challenges, revolution, toppling of economies and governments, geological upheavals, threads of the Nazi regime, the World Wars and the 1960s. As Uranus revolutionizes, Pluto transforms from the depths.
As these needed changes (the breakdown) continue, humanity is called to bring forth “all things new” to create the new world era community. The extreme tensions of Uranus/Pluto continue through March 17, 2015, in Pisces, the sign of dissolving, recreating, uplifting and saving the world, thus restoring the Mysteries and original Plan on Earth. Amidst all of this, Jupiter (Shepherd of the Stars, faith-bringer) has taken up the art of radical writing (in Gemini for a year). As Jupiter shakes up our perceptions, lovely Venus finds herself lolling about in the golden Leo Sun. Sometimes we just need to join her for a while.
ARIES: Below that risky and sometimes precarious behavior, there’s a very generous spirit within you that emerges more and more in the coming year. It’s the spirit of comforting others, loving and nurturing them. This is different for you. You will sense the undercurrents in everyone and in the world. You will understand vulnerability more. You begin to heal others. You remember.
TAURUS: More and more ideas and information come your way. You find yourself for hours absorbing data needed for health and well-being of self and others. You store it away for future use; possibly consider attending school so you can learn more about herbs and natural healing. You reshape the information; you write and teach it to those in need. You become the Messenger.
GEMINI: You are always Mercury, the swift-footed courier. With Jupiter in Gemini you feel expanded mentally. Your senses, too, feel finally on solid ground, secure with knowledge. Now you need natural settings (nature, the body of God), seeking more comfort than usual, things artistic, too, that tell you always that spirit is within matter…everywhere, always, all the time. Introduce yourself to the devas.
CANCER: Many people admire your courage. Perhaps you don’t think you have any. But truly you do. You often reach out to the edges of new experience, finally, after circling tentatively to see if it’s safe. You love all things new; yet seek all that’s traditional to surround all that’s new. Sometimes you’re a trailblazer. You don’t think so? Your cardinal energy enables you to bring knowledge forth that changes life itself.
LEO: Do you know the definition is empathy? Do you sometimes feel compassion for others? Do you feel like your creative abilities are part of your daily work? In the months to come you will feel a greater depth of faith. What is faith? Esoterically defined, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” Many people have faith in you and in your leadership. Externalize it.
VIRGO: You have an inner call that directs your life. You know there are many paths to God. You respect them all. Each one leads to God. You never allow your beliefs to shine brighter than others’. Stepping out into unknown lands allows you to disengage from acceptable mores into the new, exciting and innovative. These bring forth the new world. It gestates within you, preparing for the last week of December.
LIBRA: You know exactly what you want and how to get it. You work hard, are wise, practical and resourceful. You seem to be creating permanent structures. What are your choices based upon? What principles? Do you know the definition of the word “principle”? This is an important word for the new Aquarian age. You seek tradition along with many alternatives. In all your success, seek understanding above all.
SCORPIO: You will seek to place yourself where you gain great knowledge that has deep spiritual concepts and philosophies. You will go step by step and then leap into a new reality! It’s important to travel to places with new languages, depths of color and the many arts. Study mountain climbing, horses, religions, archeology, endurance sports. Begin a spiritual journey across mountains and countries. You seek new states of possibility.
SAGITTARIUS: You will see more deeply into all things hidden, the inner essence of life. Use this for the good, the beautiful and for deeper compassion. Realize you will have to handle in the upcoming year extreme energies, intense and forceful, around and from within. You must call upon your wisdom to handle and not misuse them. You seek mysteries, things sacred, expressions mystical and occult (heart and mind). Your original faith returns. Help others.
CAPRICORN: You seek all things stable and steady, moving toward balancing your life expressions, friends, partnership, responsibilities. You weigh all options, poised in the middle of all realities. You create harmony and beauty in your home. You turn your gifts into a profession. You seek to right wrongs. You are an artist. Do you know the original definition of yoga? And its many paths? You are “yoga” itself.
AQUARIUS: It’s important to maintain a daily, weekly, monthly routine so that you can feel efficient, effective and productive. These virtues actually reflect your life standards. They also allow you to expand your ability to help others without forgetting yourself (is this possible?). Your heart always asks, “How can I help?” You offer deep insights into already accepted systems. However you add the more spiritual approach. You are a server.
PISCES: You seek to understand royalty these days and well into the future. You recognize royalty’s responsibilities, the hope they must instill into humanity who relies on them. You realize the need for cultivation of thought, compassion and confidence in order to be a leader. You also know the need for play, celebrations, interactions, art, theatre and politics to renew your spirit. You see many paths in the road ahead. You choose the highest and brightest.
Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Alice Bailey teachings.
Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com.
Website: www.nightlightnews.com
Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology