Giving & Giving Then Giving Some More
The year is almost over. Wednesday, December 17th, Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Light begins. We are in our last week of Sag and last two weeks of December. Sunday, December 21st is Winter Solstice as Sun enters Capricorn (3:30pm west coast). Soon after the Capricorn new moon occurs (5:36pm west coast) – last new moon of 2014. Sunday morning Uranus in Aries (revolution, revelation) is stationary direct (retro since July 22nd). Uranus/Aries create things new and needed to anchor the new culture and civilization (Aquarius). We will see revolutionary revelatory change in 2015. Capricorn new moon, building-the-personality seed thought is, “Let ambition rule and let the door to initiation and freedom stand wide (open).” Capricorn is a Gate – where matter return to Spirit. But the Gate is unseen until the Ajna Center (3rd eye), Diamond Light of Direction, opens.
Wednesday, Dec. 24th is Winter solstice, longest day of darkness of the year. The Sun’s rays resting at the Tropic of Capricorn (southern hemisphere) symbolize the Christ (Soul’s) light piercing the heart of the Earth, remaining there for three days, till Holy Night (midnight Thursday morning). Then the Sun’s light begins to rise. It is the birth of the new light (holy child) for the world. A deep calm stillness pervades the world.
The entire planet is revivified, re-spiritualized. All hearts beating reflect this Light. And so throughout the Earth there’s a radiant “impress” (impressions, pictures) given to humanity of the World Mother and her Child. The star Sirius (love/direction) & the constellation Virgo the mother shines above. For gift giving, give to those in need. Give and give and then give some more. This creates the new template of giving and sharing. For the new world.
ARIES: As an intelligent light is focused on all outer aspects of your life you wonder who you are in the larger society. Examining your purpose, standing and reputation you also ask what is your direction and how you’re progressing. It’s possible you will be sought out for honors, observed as a mentor, given tasks and projects of leadership and power. Tend to them carefully, using intentions for Goodwill and intelligent love in all endeavors. You can then lead others to the light.
TAURUS: New experiences, meeting people from different regions, perhaps by phone, email or conference calling, are broadening your horizons. You might consider giving, creating or attending a new course of study that’s intellectually disciplined, practical and purposeful. New routines should be established so a new understanding of time emerges. For guidance, investigate laws concerning a new endeavor and ponder upon the new Aquarian Laws & Principles.
GEMINI: Your feelings, emotions and mind are working together providing subtle new information concerning life and death, wellness and health, money and resources. Your inner self is being expanded through unusual activities occurring in your daily life. Are you caring for others? Your beliefs are shifting leading to a deeper self-inquiry into money, resources, relationships and psychological healing. Maintain your tender care.
CANCER: As you interact and work closely with others, you understand more about yourself. You’ll discover how you unconsciously make decisions affecting your actions. This leads a deeper aware of choices, hidden agendas, resentments and expectations. With awareness comes change and a light shed upon the value within all relationships. Begin to have intentions for Goodwill in all interactions.
LEO: So many tasks to be accomplished and responsibilities to be considered! You will be efficient and effective if you stay to the point, set timetables, examine techniques and procedures, and sharpen your mind with discriminating intentions. Others will call for your input and have needs and wishes. Through trials and grief, having become one who serves, you will tend to all with equanimity and poise. Before all else, though, tend to you daily health.
VIRGO: Perhaps you feel an unusual happiness, expressing yourself, setting priorities, seeking amusement, fun and play. If not, then begin. It may take effort completing daily responsibilities. Finish them early so your day is free. Caring for children, pets, a garden, creates joy and happiness. In all endeavors, you’re more creative, imaginative, artistic, resourceful and inspired. Applause.
LIBRA: Your personal life and people you intimately relate with are your focus. You seek a firm foundation, things familiar, reason and purpose to build the future. Much of your attention now must be focused inward to assess values (what do you value?) and recognize psychologically what you need. Events from the past are remembered, affecting you deeply. Examining the truth of this past is most important. It’s not what you think.
SCORPIO: Observe your interactions with others and how you handle relationships. Are there communications and habits of thinking that enhance or undermine your effectiveness? Do you pour out all your energy? It’s most important to listen carefully to what others are saying. There’s an alchemy (magic) in listening. Creating spiritual dew within the heart that assuages loneliness. Confusion ceases.
SAGITTARIUS: Make a list of all resources in your life, physical and spiritual, and assess their value. You often seek to express yourself through non-material resources. Therefore a list of them is of value. Knowing more about yourself provides you with greater control psychologically. On the other hand, it might be time for a party celebrating your successes and resources, which give others fun, amusement and pleasure. Serve artful foods and drinks.
CAPRICORN: It’s time to renew yourself for the New Year, to withdraw somewhat from the world, turning inward, into the darkness where, under the new light of Winter Solstice, new ideas form. This is not a selfish act, but one born from future needs. While in the world be sensitive to others. If relationships problems arise, resolve conflicts by calling upon the Soul’s help. The answer lies in what is the good for the whole and of greatest service. And how it comforts you.
AQUARIUS: Align (visualize this) your thoughts, words and actions. It’s important to be aware if several messages are being projected simultaneously from you to the world. You or others could be acting out unresolved childhood behaviors. Ponder on this. As the year ends review and reflect upon the past year. When feeling peaceful and quiet plan the New Year. It should be more comforting, kinder and more prosperous than last year. Reflect on what you need?
PISCES: You’re recognizing the value of friendships and other close and important relationships. This assessment relates to your present life purpose and the visions and ideals you hope to manifest. Cooperate with others who are like-minded. Also, quietly observe others. Those you are attracted to reflect many different aspects of yourself. Cultivate these friends. It will be within a group that your ideals, hopes and visions manifest. Love more.