Weekly Horoscopes
Capricorn: Revolutionary
CAPRICORN: You act like a traditionalist but are actually a revolutionary. You may not show up in person for the Occupy movement but you’re with them heart, mind, Soul and Spirit.
AQUARIUS: The spiritual Aquarian holds a water pot. In that pot are the stars of astrology, the emerging words of creation, the new physics, and the “waters of life the Aquarian pours forth for thirsty humanity.” Aquarians need community. Where is it, they ask? Does anyone know?
PISCES: Well, you realize that when you read other people’s interpretation of you (Pisces) it often misses the mark, saying things like Neptune rules you (what does that mean?) and you’re either drunk, confused or illusioned. And you know life as a Pisces is so different. You live in the etheric folds of the universe where the very templates of life are created by starry light beings. You’re one yourself, visiting here for a while. Sorrow you understand.
And Light.
ARIES: You surprise everyone. Your desires and aspirations take you on journeys over mountains and plains. One day you sit down and begin to study. It builds your mind. Love happens.
TAURUS: Many think you’re stubborn, unable to change. What they don’t know is you’re thinking, assessing, seeking mental illumination. Aldebaran and Alcyone are your companions.
GEMINI: You provide the original matrix of learning, offer the fact of duality, the good and bad, the personality and Soul, matter and Spirit. You create a dialogue, a mystery often, one side of you dims while the other brightens.
CANCER: You’re intuitive but often feelings are so deep they’re unable to be understood. You cook and nurture, find water where others can’t, the moon is your sister, and you remember the past with precision. You want to be close but can’t unlock your shield. Try again.
LEO: You’re able to radiate light through Right Governing, Right Relations and coming always from the heart. Your work is to Love More.
VIRGO: Sometimes you suffer from nervousness, the brilliance of your mind overflowing with ideas that hardly any mind can hold. Your mind constantly changes, too, and then you feel unsure of ideas becoming ideals, and you think sometimes you need a new reality of self, one that contains a different level of confidence.
LIBRA: Relationships are primary working tools for Libra. One day, having learned so much, you live alone for a while. Have you upheld fairness in the past years?
SCORPIO: Surrender is a task Scorpios need to learn. Often you cannot hear others, listening as you do to your own emotions. Try.
SAGITTARIUS: You’re on a horse. You hold the reins. Situations occur in your life that stop you in your tracks so you can find your Way back to the light again. You’re often happy. Jupiter loves you.