Risa's Astrology

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Risa's Astrology

It Takes A Revolution

Thursday is Virgo moon, a gentle gestating day till early evening when Mars arrives for dinner.

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Investigating New Ideas

Sunday, the United States will be 234 years old, the numbers adding up to nine.

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Midsummer And Full Moon

Today is Midsummer Day and Feast of St. John the Baptist.

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Flag Day & Gemini New Moon

Last Thursday, Mars entered Virgo and this Thursday enters Gemini

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Winds of Change, Uranus in Aries

Uranus (revolution, new culture and civilization) entered Aries last Thursday, just after the Gemini/Sag full moon Festival of Humanity.

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Festival of Humanity, World Invocation Day

Today is the full moon, the Gemini Solar Festival of Humanity and World Invocation Day.

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United Nations Day Of Families

This is our last week of Taurus, sign of enlightenment.

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Mother's Day

It’s Mother’s Day Sunday, and so, from our hearts, let us give thanks for our mothers.