Aquarian Salon, Nine Tests & Choice (Informed or Reactive?)

Aquarian Salon, Nine Tests & Choice (Informed or Reactive?)

Upcoming: The next Aquarian Salon occurs this weekend, Saturday, October 26, 2024. Theme: the Soul & the Personality. See link below. And the most important vote since the founding of our United States occurs in two weeks – on November 5! The question we can ponder ahead of time about our voting choice -– is it informed or reactive? One sings the other doesn’t.

And so, we are now under the light of Scorpio, one of the two deepest signs of the zodiac. Whereas Scorpio dives deep into the dark waters of the psyche, each of us enacting the story of Persephone in the underworld (dark half of the year), the other deep-water sign is Pisces, who isn’t of this world and wonders all the time, “What is this land and what am I doing here?” Persephone/Scorpio and Pisces ask the same question. Both can feel lost – Pisces in the ethers and Scorpio in the underworld with Pluto. Both are water signs, both drowning in some way. Pisces and Scorpio understand each other.

Scorpio is the sign of the disciple, the sign after Libra whose keynote is “let choice be made.” Choice is significant now as the U.S. election approaches. We have a choice as to how and why and for whom we vote – and so the question again – are we informed or are we reactionary? This vote is a test for humanity in the United States. Scorpio is the sign of nine tests which Mars, god of war, administers. What is tested is our ability to discern, discriminate, to make Right Choice and have Right Action.

The life of Samson, the Old Testament hero, who had to choose between passion (Delilah) and obedience to and love of God, is an example of the tests we will encounter (in Scorpio). The tests are very subtle. Based on our participation in the Scorpio tests we either enter (or expand further into) the field of the Soul or remain within the personality and realities of form and matter (are we informed or reactive?). The latter creates a sense of imprisonment.

Should we pass the tests of Mars, we hear the voice of the Teacher say, “You are warriors and from the battle you have emerged triumphant.” Scorpio is the great battle, the great testing, the story of Hercules in all the signs. We are Hercules.

Aquarian Salon link. – Code: gam – 839 0016 8325

ARIES: Be prepared for a feeling of being tested, a continual sense of being challenged, watched, graded, guided and a sense of preparation for further responsibilities, especially in terms of tending to others’ finances and resources. Intimacy may be an issue, either you hope for it, seek it, look for it or reject it. You need to study the astrology and the Ancient Mysteries (the foundations being astrology). Your questions are answered there in the circle of your astrology chart, a reflection of the heavens.

TAURUS: You seek more than usual both freedom and yet depth in relationship. You can become silent and secretive, seeking your own counsel, an intimacy of spirit. Careful when following your own needs that you forget the needs of the other. It’s most important to communicate with loved ones, informing them of your inner thoughts, hopes, wishes and dreams, so you can work together more efficiently. You think there’s no money. It’s all around you.

GEMINI: As your mind works overtime, you realize lots of overlooked work, at first not obvious, must be accomplished. If you peek into corners, closets, under, over and above, in garages, storage units, your car(s), you’ll discover what needs to be eliminated so a transformation and regeneration can come about. There’s special work to do with relationships, children, small animals and gardens, all needing consideration, play, color, communication, new intentions and a re-commitment (from you).

CANCER: You may feel worried and anxious about family members, concerned about their choices, abilities, resources, and the way they live their lives. There may be a family member in a state of deep change, a transition from one reality to another. You worry about someone female, perhaps a daughter, mother, sister. You know at a moment’s notice you’ll travel anywhere to help. In the meantime, bake sugar cookies, pies, breads, dumplings and casseroles. You need all things soothing and lots of time in the garden.

LEO: I suggest you head over to Cancer’s home and garden and stay there awhile to rest, chat, share and eat to your heart’s content. There needs to be a respite from the extreme amounts of work and responsibilities being encountered. Sometimes you don’t know why you’re doing this work. It seems you need more art, whether it’s yours or another’s. Relationships are either nebulous or too strict for words. Something usually hidden at home becomes illuminated, filled with light.

VIRGO: With Mercury, your personal messenger, always traveling through a multiplicity of signs (though now in Scorpio) your mind, like Persephone’s, must be extremely internally active. Maybe you’re having unusual dreams. Remember to focus first on yourself and your needs, then on the needs of others. Mercury in Scorpio offers you a depth of perception and understanding. Your words become very serious, almost mysterious and this allows all parts of yourself to cooperate, ruminate and become intimate with the truth of all that matters to you.

LIBRA: Your New Year began on your Libra birthday. Now we are in Scorpio so the focus is on your values, past, present, future. You are sensitive to those in need. However, this time you need to focus on an aspect of your health and healing. What is that? It’s also important to focus on the health of your finances and how money emotionally supports your way of life. For the next month appreciate all that you have, all people and things small and large. Love and healing emerge from gratitude.

SCORPIO: The veils are dropping between realities. The purpose is so humanity can see more expanded realities (which you always see). In the meantime, you/we are to be anthropologists, keenly surveying life and choices and people everywhere. Observing quietly with curiosity allows us to understand two polarities: 1) what’s staged (unreal) to push the masses to rely on government control, or 2) energies that are spiritual in intent, supporting the Forces of Light, building the new reality as the old is destroyed. You have this ability to discern the differences. Share, then move on.

SAGITTARIUS: With Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, you’re to be on a retreat from your usual daily life, plans, agendas and responsibilities. In order to nurture yourself, eat well, take it easy, do personal research, work on private projects, ponder upon needs and the values that emerge from self-assessment. This allows a bit of distance to be created offering you more perspective about how you’re living life, what pleases you, how to be more present in relationships. You may meet someone soon who is important to you in one or many ways. It may come in a dream, on a white horse, on the road, along the way somewhere as if you were on a pilgrimage.

CAPRICORN: It is a good time for assessing goals, hopes, wishes and priorities in terms of what you offer others, how you’re perceived (people love you) and how you are given to in return. You are valuable, responsible, and what we call a disciple. Many respect you even though they may be unable to admit this. Often when greatness enters a group, there can be resistance. Why? People cannot absorb the light of the Soul (like a Sun) streaming through great people. You are a point of Light wherever you go. However, if not enough repose and respite, your light dims. Focus on fun, things playful, music, the arts and more and more rest each day in the Sun.

AQUARIUS: Building your strength and activating your creativity are vital at this time and as you grow in these they become apparent to those around you. Notice how well you’re completing tasks and displaying special abilities. For the next month ponder upon what your work and career need for personal and future success. This is a time of assessing past, present and future on inner levels. Later you will initiate new plans, but consider them now. If you must move, ponder upon what your daily domestic needs are. Write them down, draw and paint your wishes and work with this list daily.

PISCES: Sometimes making contact with others can be challenging. At times this challenge can be with family members. Making contact so love and understanding are released is important to you. However, others may not know this or think like you. Compassion rules the life of Pisces. Everyone is not a Pisces. You may experience standing alone this month and next. Focus upon study, reading, art, music, ideas and all things of beauty as they become ideals within you. Create on paper (color, ink, drawing, painting, sculpture, etc.) your next endeavor. Include a village, community, gardens, several geodesic domes and the idea of a large Commons. All that we wish for appears one day.

Categories: Risa's Astrology