Aquarius — Waters of Life Poured Forth For Thirsty Humanity

By Risa D’Angeles

The Sun is in Aquarius. The new Age is the Age of Aquarius. Humanity is Aquarius. The New Group of World Servers, at the threshold of each morning, stands together calling humanity’s Soul forth. Aquarius, the Water Bearer, “waters of life poured forth for thirsty humanity,” expresses the Soul of Humanity. The characteristics, qualities and nature of Aquarius (the Age of) leading humanity toward its collective purpose the next two thousand years. Aquarius will color and impulse all activities, directing humanity to the Path of Return.

No matter what our individual Sun signs are, Aquarius, now and in future times, influences all peoples and events in our world. It’s therefore important to understand Aquarius and those born with Aquarius Sun, Rising, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Chiron. Two signs are important here – Aquarius and its shadow, Leo. One is learning how to identify and serve the self. The other serves humanity. Developmental stages, one follows the other. Leo “finds” the self through creativity. Then, turning, offers its talents to humanity. Aquarius is the “human group.” There’s a great component of service in Aquarius. After serving the self (coming to know and develop the self), when awakened to the Soul, Aquarius serves the well-being of humanity and Earth’s kingdoms.

For Aquarius the entire world is their community. Here they present new archetypes. Aquarius (Star card in tarot) loves the world. From their fully opened heart, this love becomes the “Waters of life poured forth for thirsty humanity.” All of humanity thirsts, seeking the waters leading to the Path of Return. Aquarius understands. And thus serves.

ARIES: You should be creating and/or attending gatherings with friends and groups of like minded others. You have the ability, with a heart of kindness, to find common ground in groups with diverse interest. You are to create synthesis. It’s not good to feel isolated. You could at times. You want to form new alliances, create a circle of goodwill, new friendships that last well into the future. You need new currents of thought to think.

TAURUS: You’re becoming known as an expert is some field of thought, enlightening many who depend upon you for intelligent conversations, new thought and information based on focused research. Even though you’re considered one of the most traditional sign, you’re also one of the most unusual. That’s because eventually Taurus receives their information from the Raincloud of Knowable Things. New directions keep precipitating.

GEMINI: An integration is occurring as your shadow side, Sagittarius, is highlighted this week and next. You’re on a quest for new knowledge, adventures, a new journey, explorations, new terrain. You’re seeking to have a global mind. There’s wonder in your eyes when you encounter the freedom arising from an intelligent well thought out mind. A new philosophy or science emerges. Perhaps it’s the Electric Universe you need to discover.

CANCER: You often surprise others. When speaking it’s often from a deep intuition and instinct. It’s often profound. Your inner world is filled with leading edge thinking although you don’t consider it as such. To you it’s simply the way you think. Healing becomes a major need and interest. Esoteric Healing is something you might consider studying. There’s something in your body in need of healing. It’s breaking free from the past.

LEO: It’s seems new rules are coming forth regarding you and relationships. New ways of being, new archetypes. It’s time to play a bit with those new rules. What would they be? Something about freedom, celebration, merging, commitment, desire, romance. Creating bonds that last. Remembering and reflecting upon the past and realizing true love was there all along. You need a friend, a lover and a deeply beloved.

VIRGO: Replenishing your energy, seeing health in a different way, experimenting with new levels and ways of healing and remove all things habitual in your life helps create out of the old needed new rhythms and rituals. Having more ease in your daily life is important. Things routine become difficult. Redo your work schedule. Make it unconventional. Which road will you choose when two are offered?

LIBRA: You will feel you’ve returned to a previous creative self. For so long you created routine that produced safety and well-being. Actually you’d rather be avant-garde, an artist on the wild side, breaking all rules, encountering the unusual, being unconventional and unlikely. You know there are gardens to grow, photographs to take, pictures to paint, clothing to design, trees to plant. There’s generosity to offer and creativity to burst forth. Possibilities, colorful, alive, bursting forth everywhere.

SCORPIO: Staying at home seems best these days. Allowing the maximum freedom. It’s your place of refuge, your Ashram, your foundation, temple and sanctuary. Here you research, are illumined, have inspiration, meditation, contemplation. Here are your tools, music and place of creative thought. Self-determination and independence are major needs in your life. Without them there is no free will.

SAGITTARIUS: You’ve become much more social. Mingling more, throwing pit bright, at times, challenging, philosophical exchanges, creating new idea currents in minds of those who listen to you, read what you’ve written, need your company, cherish your friendship, and/or hang onto your every witty outrageous word. Something you feel needs to be updated. A new profile, newer identity, a new language? Something unusual.

CAPRICORN: You need freedom with your resources. And to you time is a resource. You can’t feel pushed or pulled into any situation not comfortable for you. You must make your own decisions, creating your own timetables, investigate your own ideas, releasing all that’s old and outdated making room for all that new. This will be a long and thorough process. So you must have patience. Whatever you love the very most, you must do. It’s where you will succeed.

AQUARIUS: You think sometimes you need a fresh new look in the world, a new combination of style highlighting your unconventional ideas, thoughts and behaviors. Unconventional because Aquarius exemplifies the future, what hasn’t been seen or thought of before. You’re a friend to everyone (everyone thinks). But really they’re acquaintances mostly. One or two real friends. Because you’re original (some think odd, but only those who don’t understand). You always make an impression.

PISCES: You’ve been quite intuitive lately. These are impressions from another level of reality, other worlds. Often you can’t translate them into regular language. Sometimes they arrive so fast it’s difficult to integrate the messages. The doors of perception continually open for you in dreams, in nature, in water, during times of silence and repose, when the atmosphere is safe and guarded. Protect these moments. They provide you with a needed retreat.

Risa D’Angeles, writer, founder & director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—-

—-a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundation of the Teachings is Esoteric Astrology.


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Categories: Advice, Risa's Astrology