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Three Spring Festivals – Aries, Taurus, Gemini

We are still in the time of Lent, the days and nights of purification, preparing for spring, for the Jewish and Christian celebrations and for the Esoteric Three Spring Festivals

Risa's Astrology

March Festivals, Spring, Pisces to Aries, Death to Resurrection

It’s leap year this year (Thursday) meaning February has an extra day (the 29th). Aquarius and Pisces (the two February signs) are always a bit different, always presenting things beyond

Risa's Astrology

Pisces – Dreams, Radiance, Veils & the Body Electric

We are now under the influence and light of Pisces – the “Light that saves the world,” the sign of World Saviors. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, ending the

Risa's Astrology

Valentine’s Day, Ash Wednesday, Lent Begins

We have multiple festivals overlapping this week. After Mardi Gras, the big party before fasting and purification, we have Valentine’s Day, Ash Wednesday and the Lenten Season beginning (all on

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Festivals – Light Increasing as the Sun Moves Northward

In the midst of winter in the northern latitudes, snow drops (flowers) begin to appear, sometimes right out of the snow! We are in the middle of winter now –

Risa's Astrology

Festivals – Light Increasing as the Sun Moves Northward

In the midst of winter in the northern latitudes, snow drops (flowers) begin to appear, sometimes right out of the snow! We are in the middle of winter now –

Risa's Astrology

I Was Wondering – What is the Sound of Humanity’s Freedom?

And so, the transformative planet Pluto entered Aquarius, sign of humanity itself, of freedom, of hopes, wishes and dreams of a new future, of community and cooperation and charity, last

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New Moon Festival, Pluto Enters Aquarius, Aquarian Salon

Thursday, January 11, is the first new moon of 2024. At new moon times, we uphold and support the work of the New Group of World Servers, working everywhere in

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Epiphany, Revelation & the Three Kings of Today

We are now progressing forward into the new year of 2024. We continue to walk with the Three Magi Astrologer Kings (three stars of Orion in the heavens) towards Bethlehem,

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Walking with the Magi Astrologer Kings into the New Year

We begin the new year, January 1, 2024, under a stationing (standing still) Mercury. A Mercury station means anything could occur in the coming year. Life itself becomes life unexpected.