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Advice Risa's Astrology

Understanding Sagittarius and Its Symbols

Sagittarius is the sign of direction. The arrows of Sag are sharp, pointed in a specific direction. The archer guides the arrows towards a specific goal. The goal is Truth and Justice – the virtues of Sagittarius.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Festivals of Light in the Darkness

Many festivals this week – in the darkness of the season humanity creates festivals of Light. This is how ancient humanity withstood winter each year.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Giving Thanks – the Thought Form of Solution

We are in the time and under the influence of Sagittarius, sign of the wanderer, of good food, good music, and the joy (Jupiter as ruler) that occurs from giving to other while simultaneously and from our hearts also giving thanks.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Over Hills & Plains, Riding a White Horse, Bow & Arrows in Hand

The energies shift from Scorpio’s deep and transformative waters to the “hills and plains of Sagittarius”. Sag is the rider on a white horse, eyes focused on the mountain peaks of Capricorn (Initiation) ahead. Like Scorpio, Sagittarius is also the “disciple.”

Advice Risa's Astrology

New Pathways, Rhythms & Ways of Being

The week is filled with heavenly squares, triangles, rectangles, lines and conjunctions as the planets accelerate their interactions with each other.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Scorpio – Doing No Harm – Ahimsa

Thursday is full moon, Scorpio solar festival. The focus is on the Scorpio keynote, “Warriors we are & from the battles we emerge triumphant.”

Advice Risa's Astrology

Altars of Remembrance, Forgiveness & Rapprochement

We’re in Scorpio now – things mysterious, ageless, hidden, sometimes scary.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Libra’s Two Choices

Libra (our last week) is the sign of creating Right Relations & Values. In Libra we are asked to choose how to be, our identity, in the world.

Advice Risa's Astrology

True Heroes Amidst Weary Humanity

We have a complex week beginning Wednesday the eighth with the full moon lunar eclipse.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Rosh Hashanah – Calling the Shofar

Under the shadow of the Libra new moon, the Jewish High Holy Days (ten days) begin Thursday with Rosh Hashanah.