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Risa's Astrology

Life, Creative & On The Edge

The coming weeks and months will be very challenging for humanity. The present, continuing and upcoming transits, phenomenal in their power, force, strength and multiplicity (with more to come), have

Risa's Astrology

Rod of Justice, Rule of Law and Prayers for our Country

Saturday, July 4th, is Independence Day in the United States. It is the U.S. birthday. Saturday night, Sunday morning is also the full moon, lunar eclipse (13 degrees Cancer/Capricorn). A

Risa's Astrology

Summer 2020 — Building a Lighted House

Last Saturday, the Sun entered the sign Cancer and settled for three days in its northern-most position – at the Tropic of Cancer. The solstice ended the light half of

Risa's Astrology

Mercury Retrograde As Summer Begins

Mercury retrograde occurs this Wednesday at 15 degrees Cancer, moving back to the U.S. Sun (13 degrees Cancer, the same degrees as Sirius, where love comes from). During this time,

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Gemini – a Line of Light Beams

We are in the time of Gemini – the most playful sign of the zodiac. Leo is playful, too, but in a different way. Gemini is like a line of

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Gemini Festival of Goodwill, Festival of Humanity

This Friday’s full moon lunar eclipse is the Gemini Festival of Goodwill and Festival of Humanity. The Gemini Festival is the third Spring Festival, following Aries and Taurus festivals. Gemini

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Pentecost – Tongues of Fire

Gemini is the definitive sign of communication. Gemini radiates Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom into the world. When we communicate with each other, when we understand each other via our open

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Retrogrades: A Magical Time

Last week three major planets reversed their direction. Saturn (in Aquarius), Venus (in Gemini) and Jupiter (in Capricorn). Retrogrades turn us inward to assess, reflect and to inquire deeply about

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Nodes of Destiny – Past & Present/Future

There are many changes occurring in the heavens these days, signifying many changes precipitating here on earth, too (Earth reflects the heavens). Last week, in the heavens, the Nodes of

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Mother’s Day

Thursday, is Wesak, the Buddha Full moon festival. We spend the following days after Wesak integrating the Buddha’s blessing and watering our gardens with the Wesak waters. The Wesak festival