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Risa's Astrology

Taurus, the Most Patient of Signs

Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, unfolds the second heart petal, following the fiery sign of Aries. As all signs signify elements, Taurus is fixed and earth, thus stabilizing

Risa's Astrology

Passover, Full Moon, Resurrection & Easter Festivals

This coming weekend is filled with festivals, spanning three levels of humanity’s development. We have the Jewish festival of Passover (beginning Friday at sunset); the Aries Festival, Festival of Love

Risa's Astrology

Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 10, is Palm Sunday, a week before Easter (Resurrection Festival). Christ (Pisces World Teacher) ended His time (40 days/40 nights) in the desert and on Palm Sunday, rode

Risa's Astrology

Mercury in Aries – What We’ve Never Said Before

The new moon for the new spiritual year occurs around midnight this Thursday night, Friday morning (depending on our location). It is the new moon for the new spring season

Risa's Astrology

Star Gates of Spring Have Opened

The Star Gates of Spring, of Aries, have opened! Spring has arrived! A great creative spiritual force is now available to all earth’s kingdoms, especially to humanity. Spiritual forces are

Risa's Astrology

A Poem for Lent – our 40 days and nights of reflection

Spring begins (Sun in Aries) next Sunday, March 20th in our northern latitudes. It is also International Astrology Day. We still have about four more weeks of Lenten preparations for

Risa's Astrology

People of Goodwill Reciting the Mantram of Unity

In terms of the war (read incursion) occurring in the Ukraine, the situation is deeply complex. It is difficult to distinguish who is playing what part and what the real

Risa's Astrology

Lent – 40 Days & 40 Nights – a Reflective Time

Tuesday this week was Mardi (Tuesday) Gras (rich, fat) – always falling the day before Lent (40 days & nights of purification & preparation). Lent is almost like a Mercury

Risa's Astrology

Pisces – Two Fishes Saving the World

Esoteric Astrology as news for week February 23 – 2, 2022 Each year, at the end of February and much of March and just before spring arrives, we are under

Risa's Astrology

Guo Nian – Happy Chinese New Year!

It’s Chinese New Year of the Water Tiger. Tiger is the king of all creatures and third in the Chinese order of animals. Tiger years are 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938,