Risa's Astrology
Esoteric Astrology as news for December 14-20, 2006
Wanting It All, Finding Enough*
The column is different this week of Hanukkah (lights lit in the
darkness beginning at sundown Friday). With the realization that next week the Hierarchy and the NGWS begin preparations for Wesak, there is embedded in this introduction an invitation for a future esoteric participatory event.
The “location” and description at www.nightlightnews.com. Another difference is the signs. They create one story. Read each sign, one after the other, for an overview of humanity yearning for the light and clues as to what each sign needs.
We are in a most important (preparatory) time of the year spiritually and esoterically. A new light (higher vibration than last year) is about to be anchored on Earth. As we offer gifts (do give in friend and family’s names to St. Jude’s, Doctor’s Without Borders, Red Cross, Catholic Charities, Unicef, etc.) let’s remember that “though we may want it all (to give and receive everything), we always find and have enough.” (*paraphrase of Rabbi Irwin Kula) A paradox to contemplate this season as each of us becomes a light in the darkness.
Last minute gifts may be on our minds. Some suggestions. Everyone needs a hoodie. Foodies need hoodies. Mommies need hoodies. babies, young children, daddy, sister, and brother, too. Try to find cashmere, cotton and wool. In bright colors – no black, brown or grey. Choose colors that literally quiver with life force. See each sign’s ray colors at www.nightlightnews.com.
For the esoterically minded give crystal bowls, Tibetan brass bowls, chimes, bells and gongs – to summon them to the ‘portal’ of the Ashram opening soon for morning meditation. For those who will participate the “inner world location” is on our website. In the
meantime, for study and preparation read My Garden in A.A. Bailey’s Discipleship in a New Age (vol. 1, pp. 527-531). Now draw this garden in detail. And begin to grow each section of it, one plant at a time. (Ashram continued at www.nightlightnews.com)
The week: Thursday, Libra moon, is bright, beautiful and balanced. Use money wisely. Friday is v/c (don’t shop during the v/c) from 7:30 am till 3:00 pm (Pacific time) when moon enters secretive Scorpio. Secrets begin to flow here and there. It’s Scorpio moon till Sunday afternoon at 3:30 pm when Sag moon begins. On Friday Mercury (communication) squares Uranus (unexpected). This occurs throughout the day. Events and plans and agendas may definitely change. Be prepared for this. Since Saturn is also retrograde, structures and appointment may also have their own timing – not ours.
In the meantime Friday night is the first night of Hanukkah or Feast of Lights. The word Hanukkah means dedication (to the light). On the first Hanukkah, in 165 BC, after three years of struggle, the Jewish people, having finally defeated the Syrian tyrant, Antiochus, re-dedicated their Temple to G-d. To do this they needed oil to light their temple lamps. They only found one cruse of oil. Miraculously, the lamp remained lit for eight days. During our present festivals of Hanukkah, we light our menorahs (candelabras) for eight days in memory. Like the Advent wreath wherein each week (of four) one more candle is lit, each night of the eight days one more candle is lit on the menorah. Both signify light not only in winter but within ourselves – the vestal lamp within our temple.
Saturday is the first day of Hanukkah. The day is unusual then
structured. Sunday we light our third advent candle at sundown. Sunday is challenging and a v/c begins at 3:31 pm till after midnight when the moon enters Sag. Monday is potent as the Sun joins Pluto at the Galactic Center. Information falls to earth. It expands us and gives us dedication on the Path. Tuesday is complex; we speak our feelings, go into hiding, feel confusion, break away and restructure ourselves. Interesting.
Wednesday is the last day of Autumn. It’s also the new moon (6:01 am, Pacific time) at 28 degrees Sag. Join the NGWS at the new moon festival by reciting the Great Invocation, the Mantram of Unification and the Integration formula. The meditative seed thoughts for the Sag new moon are two. For the personality it’s “Let food be sought.” From the Soul it’s “I see the goal, I reach that goal, and then I see another.” Both are important. Both prepare us for Winter Solstice tomorrow.
So, what do our families and loved ones need this festive season of
light in the darkness?
ARIES: Eventually they stop racing around, get off their bikes (vroom vroom) and realize, to get ahead, they must think more and act less impulsively. They need dictionaries, a thesaurus, a bible, an atlas, a library – to help them write, think, ponder, study, take notes, organize and learn. Eventually they create a village and leave it to others to tend to. Which we all do, especially TAURUS who needs sturdy wheelbarrow (four wheels, not three), thick gloves, a chicken coop with Polish chickens (that lay pale Martha Stewart-tinted eggs), a Dexter cow (our original cows were Dexter cows, small creatures that one could lead easily) for pure raw milk and a piece of land to build the temple on. Who doesn’t feel ready for this endeavor is GEMINI who has too much thinking to do and needs all things technical like advanced ipods, cameras and cells in order to make contact with everyone because contact releases love and sometimes they forget this and only provide dual thinking and forego important engagements. With their tech tools (“I want that”) they can be reminded. But one who won’t remind them and never forgets they didn’t come to dinner once is CANCER who needs a plane trip home and all of a sudden needs a home too since so much changed this past year that Cancer asks wearily “Where’s home?” “How do I get there?” “Why have things changed so?” and “Where’s my family?” So Cancer needs family, home, a place to go, assurance, small creatures to nurture and the one who won’t let them nurture them is LEO who is too proud to say “I’m sorry” and too royal to say “I need you” and too individual to say “How can I serve you” and too lonely to say “I’m sad,” and so what they need is a sun lamp, those all-spectrum winter lamps that combat the illness called SADD (not enough sunlight) and a vacation to a sunny cove far away from cold, snow, ice and winter’s gloom. Who they’ll meet on vacation is VIRGO who’s acting like they’re holding something secret and they are. It’s a new state of consciousness to be born at Winter Solstice and Christmas so they need a new wardrobe and to be told by family and loved ones that they’re loved and forgiven. Make sure they get a hoodie. What they really need is LIBRA to make all thing cozy, warm, beautiful and balanced and what does Libra need but a new economic system so give them money and tell them all’s well and give them soft things like a lavender pashmina or cashmere workout clothes and colorful ornaments from other countries made of tin and mirrors and assure them everything they do is perfect, balanced and radiant. But the one who won’t say anything is SCORPIO the strong silent type who simply observes all the time and often passes judgement if they’re not on the Soul level but back to gift giving what do they need? Think red for aspiration. Give them trust and be trustworthy. This year they may be having monetary problems so ask if they need money and be generous because what you give is returned 100 percent. Throw in some esoteric mystery novels. Who would know about these is SAGITTARIUS the wanderer over hill and dale seeking so many complex issues we can’t identify them. A really good gift would be a globe that lights up, a large up-to-date atlas displaying every country, continent, body of water and nation in 3D with travel routes to the strangest of places (especially the Temple) and maps that easily hang on walls for instant use. Who may most likely accompany Sag on their travels and adventures after all responsibilities are met is CAPRICORN seeking both the mountaintop experience (initiation) and life in the midst of worldly success, recognition, and competitiveness. They truly need a vacation these weary world workers. A cruise, a week at the spa, several weeks off, an assurance that all they do is the very best, and the book The Alchemist (gift edition) by Paulo Coelho. Who really would be interested in this book is AQUARIUS who holds two sides of themselves intact and hidden: the traditional and what’s to come. They need practical things to anchor them in the present so they can chart the future. Practical things this year such as financial assistance, a sense of home, an actual home that’s theirs forever (even if small), a group they can trust, a rainfall showerhead, and a solar radio to keep in touch with PISCES who will most likely be traveling this coming year being asked to work in different geographical areas and/or different planes of mind. In fact radio work may be part of their tasks sending meditations out to the world. Therefore, meditation mats, Krishna Das tapes, invitations to afternoon kirtans, books by Rabbi Irwin Kula (Yearnings) and a month at the Golden Door.