First Fruits and Freedom

First Fruits and Freedom

Mercury enters Gemini Thursday morning and is “home” once again. Mercury is the personality-building ruler of Gemini, meaning the planet Gemini streams through it before reaching Earth. Mercury, as we know, is the messenger from the Sun, sitting in a brilliant position of the light interplay and possibilities.

Gemini is the matrix of the mind, the place where multiple streams of thought can harmonize to create vision and unity. Mercury is Ray 4 of Harmony Created Through Chaos and Conflict. For those who realize the well-being of humanity and the planet are in peril, Mercury in Gemini will produce scientific and technological ideas that will advance the evolution (not involution which is deeper into matter) of humanity and our Earth. They (we) will be given “impressions” — ideas, plans and creative inventions for the benefit of all Earth’s kingdoms (mineral, plant, animal, human).  So humanity can “thrive.”

Simultaneously, as Venus continues to retrograde, we will continue to review our values and come to greater perceptions and expressions of (our) Truth.

Sunday is Pentecost in the Christian church, the day in which the Holy Spirit (Ray 3, Divine Intelligence of God) appears above the heads (Gemini, minds) of Disciples as tongues of fire (God is a Fire), illuminating minds (Gemini) so that all realities, languages, cultures, etc. and the heart of humanity are understood. It is also Shavuot, the Jewish Festival of First Fruits, the Harvest Festival commemorating Moses on Mt. Sinai given the Ten Commandments — the new Laws for the Aries Age.

We are now entering the Age of Aquarius, where freedoms are paramount (while being taken away). In the light of freedom, let us have gratitude and let us remember, on Memorial Day, all who have died in all wars in our world, as they fought for and upheld humanity’s freedoms. We embark on a new battle now, and the war again is humanity’s freedom. What side will we choose is the question for each of us in our present times. We cannot remain neutral. We are Arjuna.


ARIES: The planets in the sky, always influencing us, calling us to new realities and deeper endeavors, are calling you to anchor into form and matter, all that’s needed to assist in the well-being of humanity and the Earth. What would that be for you? What revelations are you having? Do you have Taurus friends?

TAURUS: Your identity deepens each year during this time. You have become a prophet, some say of doom, others say of the future. You are not only anchoring the new information, but you also have the task of dispensing and dispersing that information. This is usually Gemini’s task. Do you have Gemini friends?

GEMINI: You are still somewhat in quiet, reflective, removed from the masses mode. This is most important so you have time to brood over and ponder upon the necessities of and your part to do concerning unfolding the unknown future. It seems the past is quickly dissolving away. This has purpose. Freedom for your gifts to come forth.

CANCER: You’re a bit in the clouds these days, emerging only when necessary and perhaps you feel separate from others and not quite yourself. Deep changes are occurring to everyone, but are especially felt by the more sensitive signs. You are one of these. Your personal domains (home) are being restructured if not renovated. Your foundations feel uncertain and sometimes you feel great fear. Talk with those who listen and care for you. A Pisces.

LEO: There’s a flame of endeavor and of wanting to do something in the world that perhaps hasn’t manifested yet in form and matter. We each hold a Vestal flame of desire, aspiration and of service, a spiritual wanting in our hearts. What is this for you? As your daily life continues to transform, you must anchor somewhere. It’s in the world. Where is it? With whom. You must plant trees.

VIRGO: You perhaps are seeking a way and a where to anchor into form and matter all the religious and cultural realities held within your body, soul, mind and heart. The solar eclipse says all the past is gone, except for an essence of spirit that always stays with us. It is good to create new learnings, new skills, and to seek a new directional endeavor. This is given should we ask for it. Ask with grace within gratitude.

LIBRA: What realities do you want to occur in your future, both short and long term? It’s important to have an idea, a vision, an impression of what you need and want. Because it’s the persistent vision that builds the energy that builds the forms of our present/future. We are to have a “potent” level of thought. “Potency produces precipitation.” Think on these words. Say them out loud and quietly to yourself. What is it that you want and need?

SCORPIO: It’s good to assess the values you have learned from others and how they have been adopted into your life. There’s a benefit to sharing experiences. We learn from each other. And when we interact with others in their lives, love, appreciation and gratitude emerge. What commitments to working with others do you feel are important at this time? Love becomes available when you commit

SAGITTARIUS: New values are being anchored into your daily life because a new path of ideas and endeavors are being formed for you well into the future. Structures you’re used to continue to transform. As old wounds heal, new wounds emerge. All for the purpose of spiritualizing how you are (and are seen) in the world. What you thought you loved disappears. It was, you are, complete.

CAPRICORN: Are you having thoughts of moving, changing your domicile or doing something that alters your foundations? There’s a brilliant reality somewhere in those questions. Ask yourself what it is. Don’t allow yourself to be wounded from others’ communication. But do inform them how you must be communicated with. You have power, everywhere. Are you concerned with health?

AQUARIUS: Are you feeling overwhelmed with possessions, ideas, possibilities or perhaps certain emotional difficulties? Do you feel the need to push everything away so you can decide for yourself what is needed? It’s important to be in nature. There all life’s answers come forth. The voice is quiet and gentle. You must be relaxed and focused to hear. What are you thinking these days? It’s different!

PISCES: All Pisces are or will be influenced by Neptune which is creating a state of confusion leading to clarity in your life. As we encounter confusion we realize the need for boundaries, structure, discipline, plans and agendas. This is most comforting for Pisces. Without structures we will drift away. You seek a sense of place, a geography, and things that make sense. We must ask.



Categories: Advice, Risa's Astrology