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Risa's Astrology

The Candidates & the Election – Our Test

As we come to the end of Libra and enter Scorpio, we move close to the time when, this election year, we are asked to make a final choice.

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Festival of Joy (Sukkot), Building Shelters, & the Full Hunter’s Moon

Saturday is the Full Hunter’s moon which means it’s the Libra solar festival (23 degrees Libra).

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Inscribed in the Book of Life

Mercury enters Libra this week. Mercury signifies our thoughts, communications and ideas.

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Michaelmas, Libra New Moon, Rosh Hashanah

Thursday, September 29th, is Michaelmas, Feast of St. Michael, honoring Archangel Michael, protector of the Earth during Autumn.

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Peace Messengers, Mercury Direct, Autumn Equinox

Wednesday, is the United Nations International Day of Peace. It calls all of humanity to gather together in a spirit of peace and to commit to intentions for peace even amidst differences.

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Mercury Retrograde, New Moon Solar Eclipse

Last Tuesday (August 30) Mercury began its three-week retrograde lasting till September 21, moving backwards from 29 degrees to 15 degrees Virgo.

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Burning Man, Mercury Retrograde – Back to the Future

Burning Man, nine-day, intentional, temporary, desert art community, on the playas of Black Rock City (BRC), (northern) Nevada, begins Sunday, August 28 and ends Monday, Labor Day, Sept. 5th.

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I Have Come to Interrupt You (Uranus)

Last week (July 29th) Uranus in Aries (interruptions, waking us up to all things new) turned retrograde at 24 degrees Aries.

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Heliacal (before & near the Sun) Rising of Sirius

In ancient Egypt the annual flooding of the Nile occurred as Sirius, the blue-white star left of Orion, became visible just before sunrise.

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Leo – Shining Like Sunlight

Leo is the month in which we praise one another. Recognizing the creative luminous light of purpose within everyone’s life.