Risa's Astrology
Grateful for Each Other, Grateful Together
It’s Thanksgiving, Thursday (and for some, all weekend long). With Thanksgiving we begin our annual days of gratitude and giving. Thanksgiving this year has a tone of practicality (Capricorn moon)
Gratitude — the Royal Way
This Wednesday(Nov. 20th), Mercury stationed direct, slowly moving forward in its retrograde shadow. Fridaythe Sun exits Scorpio (deep waters)) and enters Sagittarius (enduring fire). Sunday (Nov. 24th) is a very
Scorpio — Test, Trial, Struggle and Triumph
This is our last week of Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. Mercury retrograde turns direct next Wednesday. However, Mercury’s retrograde shadow remains with us until Sunday, December 8th. We are to
Scorpio — Call to Battle
The sign influencing humanity after Libra (choice) is Scorpio (discipleship). Scorpio distributes the dandelion yellow light of Ray 4, from a star in the Big Dipper. Ray 4 is Harmony
We Hear the Hissing of Cobras – Kali Yuga (continued)
Sun entered Scorpio Wednesday, sign of things hidden, dark, mysterious and underwater. And so, we continue the study of the cycle of the Kali Yuga, a winter of darkness in
Kali Yuga, When Darkness is Allowed to be Seen
It seems the Kali Yuga was out in full force last week as blackouts progressed in towns throughout northern California. Kali Yuga is a time in which the darkness, usually
Libra – Everything in Balance
Tuesday evening, as the first star appeared at sunset, the Jewish Festival of Yom Kippur began. Jewish festivals always begin at sunset. The holiest day of the Jewish year, Yom
Time of Reconciliation – I & Thou
The twelve zodiacal signs have a deep inner order characterized by inter-relationships, color, Rays, sound and rhythms. The sun crossing the equator at spring and autumn equinoxes creates a division
Autumn & Libra — Let Choice Begin
Early Monday morning the Sun entered Libra, sign of balance and poise. Libra, a cardinal sign, “initiates” autumn in the northern hemisphere. Autumn begins the “dark half of the year.”
Saturn — Lord of Karma & Dweller on the Threshold
On Wednesday, Saturn (Dweller, Teacher, Disciplinarian), after four months being retrograde, turns stationary direct. Saturn is the “teacher”, offering us lesson after lesson concerning the “rules of the road”, rules