Risa's Astrology

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Risa's Astrology

Light on the Path for the Week Ahead

This week (Wednesday) the Sun moves through the last days of Aries (initiating all things new) and enters comforting and sustaining Taurus on Monday. Aries is the sign of initiating

Risa's Astrology

Refuge, Divine Mercy, Forgiveness, Messages at the Speed of Light

Sunday, April 11, is the Aries (all things new) new moon (22 degrees). During new moon time, disciples support the New Group of World Servers, working in the Ten Esoteric

Risa's Astrology

Planting in the Temple: April Showers, May Flowers

In the Agni Yoga Wisdom teachings, there are references to the light from stars, planets, moon and sun vitalizing trees and flowers to be used by humanity as foods, resins,

Risa's Astrology

The New Light of Spring in Multiple Shades of Green

When Spring arrives, the astrological community celebrates. The first day of spring is International Astrology Day. And so, on Saturday, March 20th, our Sun leaves the watery sign Pisces to

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Three Spring Festivals & Saving Forces

Each spring, at the three spring full moon festivals (Aries, Taurus, Gemini), three extra-planetary forces stream into the Earth to assist humanity especially during times of crisis (a time we

Risa's Astrology

Neptune, the Dissolver, Making Way for the New Era

We continue in the sign Pisces (month & progressed U.S. Sun is 15 degrees Pisces), last sign of the zodiac, ruled by Neptune, the dissolver. Neptune eliminates all things hindering

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Forty Days & Forty Nights

With Ash Wednesday (“from dust thou art and unto dust we shall return”), the day after Mardi Gras, we begin the season of Lent (Old English for “springtime”), forty days

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Chinese New Year of the Metal Ox niú (牛) & Valentine’s Day

It is also the year of all bovine cattle – the Cow, Bull, Yak, Water Buffalo. The terrestrial earthly branch symbol chǒu (丑). The Chinese system of the zodiac (circle

Risa's Astrology

Aquarius — Space Waters

The Mercury retrograde continues. We all circle inward. Well, most of us. Those born with natal Mercury retrograde are going out and about, finally feeling they are free and able

Risa's Astrology

Mercury Retrogrades In Aquarius

Disciples, Adepts and the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) all know the secrets and cycles, timing and movements of planets and stars. This is the Royal Path of Yoga