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Risa's Astrology

Chinese New Year of the Metal Ox niú (牛) & Valentine’s Day

It is also the year of all bovine cattle – the Cow, Bull, Yak, Water Buffalo. The terrestrial earthly branch symbol chǒu (丑). The Chinese system of the zodiac (circle

Risa's Astrology

Aquarius — Space Waters

The Mercury retrograde continues. We all circle inward. Well, most of us. Those born with natal Mercury retrograde are going out and about, finally feeling they are free and able

Risa's Astrology

Mercury Retrogrades In Aquarius

Disciples, Adepts and the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) all know the secrets and cycles, timing and movements of planets and stars. This is the Royal Path of Yoga

Risa's Astrology

Transition From Pisces to Aquarius

Sun entered Aquarius, sign of hopes, wishes and dreams on Tuesday. Wednesday, Inauguration Day. Every four years January 20th establishes the new president. Inauguration Day this year is different than

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Uranus Direct – the week for history books

On January 14, Thursday, the day after the first new moon of the new year, Uranus, planet of unexpected change, and retrograde since August, 14, 2020, turns stationary direct. Uranus

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Week of Epiphany – Something Revealed to the World

We completed our journey with the Magi Astrologer Kings this week, our Twelve Days After Christmas, each day organized under a zodiacal sign, preparing us for the new year. The

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Beginnings Are Fragile Things

Welcome to our strange and brave new world, 2021, everyone. We have a dreamy start to the new year as Mercury joins Neptune on the first day of 2021. Many

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Heaven & Nature Sing

From the very night of time, the time wherein the Sun moves northward again has been regarded as a festival season; for thousands of years it has been associated with

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The New Bethlehem Star – Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius

Everyone’s talking and writing about it. The Aquarian Age. The great star event. The Jupiter/Saturn Great conjunction in Aquarius. The Christmas Star. The Bethlehem Star. The Aquarian Age, the new

Risa's Astrology

Goals, Festivals, Revolution, Eclipse – Something Essential Falls Away

Monday is Sagittarius new moon, solar eclipse, 23 degrees. Eclipses, a six-month event (three months before, three months after), signify something essential falls away; it is complete, and something new