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Hercules & the Lion’s Skin & Two Full Moons

The Sun enters Leo on Thursday this week and Friday night we immediately have a full moon (Leo solar festival). There are two full moons this month of Leo.. The

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Let Isolation & Despair Do Its Work

Each sign of the zodiac has two keynotes – that of the personality and that of the Soul. Keynotes are a tone, a note, a central theme expressing the essence

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Hiding Away Under A Shell

When summer begins and for thirty days thereafter, the Sun is in Cancer, sign of mother, family, home, the embryonic waters nurturing new life. Cancer, its light flowing through the

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Father’s Day, a Summer Poem & Jupiter Retrograde

This Sunday, June 20this a complex, multi-cultural and multi-celebratory day. Sundayis Father’s Day, Summer Solstice (Litha), the Sun enters Cancer and Jupiter, the beneficent, retrogrades. On Father’s Day let us

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Chiron in Aries — Humanity’s Self Identity

Chiron (a small solar system, an asteroid, between Saturn & Uranus) left the Neptunian waters of Pisces and entered Aries (all things new) February 2019. Since then humanity has been

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On the Mystery Temple Doors — “Know Thyself”

Under the light of Gemini and especially with Mercury retrograde in Gemini, we turn inwards and learn more about ourselves – our beliefs, fears, hopes, wishes and dreams, our thinking

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Mercury Retrogrades — A Magical Mystery Tour

Mercury begins its three-week retrograde journey Saturday, May 29th and continues in reverse ‘til June 22nd, moving from 25 to 16 degrees Gemini. It’s good to consider Mercury retrograde as

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Festivals: Cinco de Mayo, White Lotus Day, Mother’s Day & Taurus New Moon

In this second week of May we have multiple festivals and celebrations encompassing history, culture, the spiritual and the personal. Cinco de Mayocelebrates Mexico’s defeat of the French army during

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May Day Celebrations

May is both a beautiful and intelligent month, being under the two signs of Taurus (Art of Living, flowers) and Gemini (Mercury’s messages). The Taurus keynote is “Let Struggle within

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The Wesak Buddha Full Moon Festival. Crystal Bowls of Water in the Garden

Many years ago in the early 1970s I encountered an article in an alternative paper with symbols and shapes used for a festival called Wesak.  I lost the article but I