Why the Nonviolent Struggle in Syria Still Matters
A revolution that began in 2011 as a peaceful, grass roots, nonviolent protest of the undeniably oppressive Assad regime evolved into something that many Americans such as this writer simply declare as beyond understanding.
10 Sex Facts You Might Find Surprising
Over half of all spending on the Internet is estimated to be related to sex.
Dating In The Modern Age
There was a time, though, when telling someone you met your significant other online meant one of two things; they didn’t exist, or you were dating an old man in masquerade.
The Shame of the Game
Why is it that if a man has had more sexual partners than he has fingers and toes, he’s just being a man? The excuses are that he’s a virile,
Talking About Sex
Kristen Jozkowski has been studying human sexuality for more than eight years.
Promoting a Positive Sex Culture
Walking past the display of photographs and paintings, one particular image captured my attention. It was a photo of a flaccid human penis in a glass jar. This was my
Avatars, Presidents, Valentines, Ashes, Lent & a New Moon
This is our last week of Aquarius (world Server). Next week (Wednesday) Sun enters Pisces (world Savior). Note the different esoteric tasks. Although it’s being denied, past structures of reality continue breaking down and dissolving.
A Clean Slate: A Tantric Perspective on Sex in the West
Welcome to America 2015, a society that is still sexually repressed.
Gardening in Fayetteville
Growing food is one of the best ways to strengthen your food security, embrace a wholesome social environment, lower your carbon footprint, and drop your cost of living.