The New Group of World Servers everywhere is preparing gardens, patios, fire escapes, windowsills and outside areas for the placement of crystal bowls for the Full Moon Wesak Taurus festival May 5. Planning since Winter Solstice we invite everyone to prepare with us for the blessings of the Will of God via the Buddha. It’s good to prepare, subjectively and objectively, a week ahead. Understanding Taurus also prepares us.
Taurus is the “penetrating Light of the Path of Return.” This beam of Light enters the Earth from the point in Aries (bringing forth all things new). The Taurus Light irradiates and uplifts the physical world, illumines our minds and shifts our desire (for things of the self) to aspiration (helping humanity).
Taurus signifies the Buddha, who was born and died in Taurus. He came into the world 500 years before the Christ, to “prepare the minds of men for the Love of His Brother, the Christ.” Buddha’s purpose was the “enlightenment” of human minds. Each year, at the Wesak Festival, the Buddha seeks again to “awaken and enlighten” humanity’s minds.
Taurus presents us with the tests, trials, confusions and experiences that “forge” the personality (lead) into accepting direction from the Soul (into gold). Taurus works with Ray 4, Harmony through Conflict. We (humanity) learn through conflict. Ray 4 is also Art and Beauty that “attracts the sons and daughters of Venus” (the planet Taurus streams through). Taurus “understands” beauty.
The Upanishads, the most ancient mantric prayer given to humanity refers to Taurus and Venus, “Lead us O Lord from darkness to light, from chaos to beauty.”
ARIES: This month you focus on your values and possessions and seek a meaningful state of security. There’s a possibility of identifying only with what you own and considering your worth based on possessions. This identity is good for a short time. Then you must focus on creating secure and sustainable foundations, built to last, that support relationships with sensitivity and comfort. Share.
TAURUS: You must identify as an innovative leader who brings facts and information to others which helps them acquire a sense of intelligent self-identity. Through your discipline and vocation your words and actions provide direction for others. You are seen as a “light bearer”. Before having self-identity, we must have true knowledge. You are the mentor and teacher for this.
GEMINI: You shine when you serve others. Your love opens the hearts of everyone, especially those whose hearts are closed. Because of this you require times of reflection and seclusion for rest. Here you gather compassion so you can assist others, even when you’re not aware of this help. Do not allow yourself to feel lonely. You are not alone. We all stand with you.
CANCER: You have very high hopes and goals, sometimes unexpressed. It would be good if you could communicate them. Sometimes you have a tolerance of others. Sometimes you forget to. More and more you’re called to have heart/mind coherence. This calls for a focus not on emotional choices but on knowledge. Your close friendships are most important. Keep them close.
LEO: What goals, successes and accomplishments are you seeking? It’s important to realize your ambitions because this is actually your purpose and when you know this, your energy is focused and identified. All levels of leadership for you are important. They unlock creativity. Some Leos are shy. You can still be leaders. Quiet yet powerful ones. It’s about ambition, which is identity and purpose.
VIRGO: When Virgos turn their focus to the environments around them, especially to gardens and the other kingdoms (mineral, plant, animal), they bring forth very high ideals. They can control their restlessness, use their vast state of knowledge and become quite curious and adventurous, the latter quite unusual for Virgos. You realize, in contact with humanity, that we are all brothers and sisters within one family.
LIBRA: Desires and experiences have become more intense, powerful and concentrated. The usual is not enough. You need to go deeper, wider, higher seeking what lies beneath the surface, what lies above. Everything unexplored becomes magical and fascinating. Like the Hierarchy (inner world government), you must move in two directions — inner and outer, into the deep waters and into heaven itself — creating the Cross of Life. Libra balances all levels. Stay in love.
SCORPIO: For the next month or so you will take pride in creating harmony with all interactions and relationships. You will feel the need to be close to loved ones, perhaps one in particular. You drop one or more of your veils of protection, know you’re safe being vulnerable and begin to say what you want and need. Social skills become easier. Peace results. This is a rare time for you. Observe it carefully.
SAGITTARIUS: All that you do concerning your work and profession relate to your sense of identity. Each day it’s most important to feel busy, to have activities planned and to produce work that is your very best. It is also important that you create Right Relations with everyone you work with. If these are not adhered to each day, you somehow feel less than and it moves to depression. Upon waking each morning plan your day with intention to be a good steward to all you contact. The results will surprise you.
CAPRICORN: You have special and unique qualities combined with a deep level of creativity. You must have opportunities to express yourself each day. And often you do this with a dry sense of humor, a bit of drama and lots of fun. Eventually those who need to, notice you and this leads to new work ventures and adventures. Recognition (and compensation) calms your sense of restlessness. Children are most important.
AQUARIUS: You are private and protective about your personal life, home and family. You seek to find your way into a deeper sense of security and a foundation from which you can work. You want to integrate all life endeavors under one roof. This is most practical and allows for greater creativity. You seek emotional attachments so that your heart is not so lonely. Find a home first. Fill it with all that you love. Plant a garden, even a small one. Friends come by. They love you.
PISCES: You take walks each day because you need a change of scenery, you need to touch life in all its forms, but especially you need people to create new friendships with. You adapt well, but only to a point. You are a teacher needing to teach. You are curious about others, asking questions a lot. Others don’t understand this. You never use power-over with others. Only power-with. Sometimes you’re sad. You need music all the time.
Risa D’Angeles, Founder & Director
Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—
—a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Tibetan’s
teachings in the Alice A. Bailey blue books
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