8 Days: March 26 & Further

The Julian Lage Group and jazz vocalist Kurt Elling will perform Saturday, March 26 at the Walton Arts Center.
8 Days A Week
ORGANIZING & DECLUTTERING — with Laurie Malloy and Jenna Ruhe of Simple Spaces, 3 p.m., Nightbird Books, Fayetteville.
Art and Music
JULIAN LAGE GROUP — with jazz vocalist Kurt Elling, 8 p.m., Walton Arts Center. 443-5600 or waltonartscenter.org.
13TH ANNUAL PAWS AND CLAWS 5 MILE/2 MILE RACE — 8:30 a.m., March 26. Withrow Springs State Park, Huntsville. Proceeds benefit Madison County Pet Shelter. 738-1505 or 738-1355.
DEVIL’S DEN STATE PARK ROCKS! — beginning 9 a.m. with events throughout the day including Still on the Hill performance at 7:30 p.m., Devil’s Den State Park near Winslow. 9-11 a.m. CREVICE EXPLORATION HIKE, noon to 2 p.m. READING ROCKS, 2:15-3:15 p.m. ELLIS CREEK HIKE, 3:30-4:30 p.m. SHAKE, RATTLE, ROCK AND ROLL. www.arkansasstateparks.com/things-to-do/calendar-events or rebekah.spurlock@arkansas.gov.
Julian Lage
Kurt Elling
“BUILDING WITH NATURE, BUILDING IN NATURE” — 5:30 p.m. Shollmier Hall, Vol Walker Hall, UofA. Lecture by Juan Miro. Free to the public. 575-4704 or architecture.uark.edu.
Art and Music
“100 YEARS OF BROADWAY” — March 29 thru April 3. Walton Arts Center. 443-5600 or waltonartscenter.org.
“HEALTHY DINNER ON A BUDGET — 6 to 7:30 p.m. Leverett Elementary Cafeteria. Family cooking class. 957-0700 or beth@appleseedsinc.org.
OZARK POETS & WRITERS COLLECTIVE — 7 p.m., Nightbird Books, Fayetteville.
JERUSALEM POST’S GIL HOFFMAN — chief political correspondent and analyst, 7 p.m., Temple Shalom, 699 N Sang Ave., Fayetteville. 501-663-3571 or federation@jewisharkansas.org.
DONALD GLOVER — free comedy performance by NBC show “Community” actor and former “30 Rock” writer, 8 p.m. Union Ballroom, UA campus. www.iamdonald.com or 575-5255.
“THE DUMB WAITER” — presented by The Step 1 Theatre, 8 p.m. March 31 to April 2, B-Unlimited Theatre, 612 W. Center St., Fayetteville. A portion of the proceeds benefits Seven Hills Homeless Shelter. www.step1theatre.org.
RE-ART PARTY — 7 p.m., April 1. Inn of the Ozarks Convention Center, Eureka Springs. Music, food, silent auction. Proceeds benefit Eureka Springs School of the Arts. 479-253-5384.
PET FOOD DRIVE — 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., April 1. Wal-Mart, Mall Ave., Fayetteville. Donations of any brand dog or cat food for Roger’s Pantry. 575-8260.
FAYETTEVILLE FARMERS’ MARKET KICKOFF — beginning 9 a.m., Fayetteville square with Mayor Lioneld Jordan, giant puppets, singers, dancers and more than 60 vendors offering local produce, cut flowers, plants, meat, eggs, baked goods, fine art and handcrafts. SNAP/EBT now accepted. www.fayettevillefarmersmarket.org.
Art and Music
ART RECEPTION — 10 a.m. to Noon. Ozark Natural Foods. Featuring artist Denise Greathouse. Refreshments provided
“LET’S MOVE FAYETTEVILLE!” — 11:30 a.m. Fayetteville Public Library. Kid’s trail tour with Mayor Jordan. Meet at the library with a parent and healthy snack lunch. Frisco Trail to Wilson Park.
Stage and Screen
“BRIDGE TO WAR EAGLE” — 2 p.m. Hobbs State Park-Conservation Area. Documentary by Larry Foley and Dale Carpenter.
SPRING WRAP-UP SEXUAL HEALTH SUMMIT — hosted by NWA Planned Parenthood Action Board and UA Health Center, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Union Theater, UA campus. plannedparenthoodnwa@yahoo.com.
UA PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE — 7:30 p.m., Arkansas Student Union Ballroom, UA campus.
MACEO PARKER — 8 p.m., Walton Arts Center. $25-75. 443-5600 or waltonartscenter.org.
HOWL OPEN MIC — third Sunday of the month, 6:30 p.m., Nightbird Books, Fayetteville.
ARKANSAS PLAYWRIGHTS WORKSHOP — 6:30 p.m. two Mondays a month in Fayetteville. Free; actors, directors and walk-ins welcome. Dates and locations vary. For current information, bob@theatresquared.org or 445-6333.
MYSTERY BOOK CLUB — first Monday of the month, 7 p.m., Nightbird Books, Fayetteville.
SCIENCE FICTION BOOK CLUB — fourth Monday of the month, 7 p.m., Nightbird Books, Fayetteville.
PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S NETWORK — third Tuesday of the month, 11:30 a.m., Nightbird Books, Fayetteville.
CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP — 6:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays in Fayetteville. For aspiring and experienced authors. With author and teacher, Gabrielle Idlet. $15 per night. gidlet@gmail.com or 966-5935.
OZARK POETS AND WRITERS COLLECTIVE — 7 p.m. Last Tuesday of every month. Nightbird Books, Fayetteville. nightbirdbooks.com.
DATE NIGHT BOOK CLUB — last Friday of the month, 8 p.m., Nightbird Books, Fayetteville.
Mind, Body, Spirit
BUDDHIST MEDITATION AND SPIRITUAL SUPPORT GROUP — 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at the Arkansas Yoga Center in Fayetteville. 521-2395.
COURSE IN MIRACLES — 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at Unity of Fayetteville, 4880 Wedington Drive in Fayetteville. 442-0680.
DHARMA TALK — 11 a.m. Sundays at Dramis Hardwood Floors, 2275 S. School Ave. in Fayetteville. With Tibetan Buddhist Monk Ven. Geshe Thupten Dorjee. artibet.net or 587-8920.
FAYETTEVILLE QUAKERS — 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. Sundays (followed by social hour) and 6 to 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the Bennett House (Omni Center) on 3274 Lee Avenue in Fayetteville. fayettevillefriends.org or 888-909-1110.
FREE CONFIDENTIAL HIV TESTING — 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays, NWA Center for Equality, 179 N. Church Ave. Suite 10, Fayetteville. nwaequality.org.
HEALING MEDITATION — 7 p.m., Tuesdays, Ozark Research Institute, Fayetteville. 582-9197 or www.ozarkresearch.org.
MULTICULTURAL DANCE CLASSES — Miraj Studio, 6302 S. Wilkerson St. Suite C, Fayetteville. Classes for adults and children in Middle Eastern dance. MirajDanceStudio.com or 595-4506.
SPIRITUAL LIVING GROUP — 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays, Ozark Research Institute, 221 S. Locust Ave., Fayetteville. Positive thinking, teaching skills of how to live a better life in all areas. anewdawnspirituallivingcenter.bbnow.org or 439-0149 or livinginthepresence@yahoo.com.
STRONGWOMEN EXERCISE PROGRAM — 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, January to March, Westwood Health and Rehabilitation, 802 S. West End St., Springdale.
TRIBAL BELLY DANCE CLASSES — Miraj Studio, Fayetteville TerraNovaTribal.com or MirajDanceStudio.com. 316- 444-0529.
WATER EXERCISE CLASSES — 9 to 9:50 a.m., 10 to 10:50 a.m. and 11 to 11:50 a.m. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the Jones Center. $25 per month. Water Movement, Arthritis Aqua and Fibro Fit. The Jones Center in Springdale has indoor and outdoor walking tracks and trails, and the Fitness Center has weights and equipment for use, all for free. dhenders@jcf.jonesnet.org or 756-8090 ext. 3518.
FAYETTEVILLE INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCERS — 7:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at Mount Comfort Presbyterian Church Hall. First 30-minutes devoted to teaching/learning. $3; first time free. 283-9947.
JONES CENTER JUGGLING CLUB — 5:30 p.m. Thursdays at the Jones Center for Families. Beginners welcome. jonesnet.org or 756-8090 ext. 518.
MORE FOR YOUR MONDAYS TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOPS — 6 to 7 p.m. Mondays at Community Access Television in Fayetteville. Technological problems demystified; subject matter directed by attendees. Free; no registration. No class on fifth Mondays. 444-3433.
BALANCED BODIES — 9 a.m. to 9:50 a.m. Fridays; STRETCH AND FLEX — 9 to 9:50 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Jones Center in Springdale. Free. The Jones Center in Springdale has indoor and outdoor walking tracks and trails, and the Fitness Center has weights and equipment for use, all for free. thejonescenter.org or 756-8090.
BEGINNING LINE DANCING — 9 a.m. Tuesdays at the Fayetteville Senior Activity and Wellness Center, 945 S. College Ave. 571-2920.
BRIDGE — 12:30 p.m. Fridays at the Fayetteville Senior Activity and Wellness Center, 945 S. College Ave. 571-2920. LIFT WITH FRANCES — 9 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays; WII BOWLING LEAGUE, LINE DANCING and ACRYLIC PAINTS — 10 a.m. Tuesdays; USE IT OR LOSE IT WITH JIMMY CULP — 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; TAI CHI — 10 a.m. Fridays; BRAIN AEROBICS — 10 a.m. Wednesdays, CANASTA — 12:30 p.m. Wednesdays, BINGO — 10 a.m. Thursdays, MAHJONG — 12:30 p.m. Thursdays, BRIDGE — 12:30 p.m. Fridays at the Fayetteville Senior Activity and Wellness Center, 945 S. College Ave. 571-2920.
Screen and Stage
FIRST FRIDAY FILM — 1 to 3 p.m. first Friday of each month, Schmieding Center auditorium, 2422 N. Thompson, Springdale.
ANNE KITTRELL ART GALLERY — Arkansas Union, Fayetteville. 575-5255.
ARSAGA’S — 1582 Crossover Road Suite 2, Fayetteville. arsagas.org or 527-0690.
ARSAGA’S — 2418 N. Gregg Ave., Fayetteville. arsagas.org or 444-6557.
ARTS CENTER OF THE OZARKS — 214 S. Main St., Springdale. artscenteroftheozarks.org or 751-5441.
BENTONVILLE CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU — 104 E. Central St. on the square in Bentonville. 271-9153.
BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE OZARKS — 4703 N. Crossover Road in Fayetteville. bgozarks.org or 750-2620.
CENTER FOR ART AND EDUCATION — 104 N. 13th St., Van Buren. art-ed.org or 474-7767.
THE COMMON GROUNDS — 412 W. Dickson St., Fayetteville. commongroundsar.com or 442-3515.
CORNER GIFT SHOP — 3582 N. Arkansas 112, Fayetteville. 521-2674. Art by more than 15 local artists and craftsmen.
CRYSTAL BRIDGES AT THE MASSEY — 125 W. Central Ave., Bentonville. massey.crystalbridges.org or 418-5700.
FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY — 401 W. Mountain St., Fayetteville. faylib.org or 856-7105.
FAYETTEVILLE UNDERGROUND — four seperate galleries inside, East Square Plaza Basement, 1 E. Center St., Fayetteville. FayettevilleUnderground.com or 387-1534.
FIRST THURSDAY ART PROGRAM — First Thursday on the square in downtown Fayetteville. 5 to 8 p.m., Fayetteville Underground, East Square Plaza. FirstThursdayFayetteville.com or 521-5776.
HEARTWOOD GALLERY — An Artists’ Collective. 428 S. Government St., Fayetteville. 444-0888. Jewelry, pottery, glass, handmade books, textiles, sculpture, photography, paintings, drawings, mixed media, music CDs, wood turnings. More than 30 local artists.
JAMMIN JAVA — 21 W. Mountain St., Fayetteville, 443-2233.
JOY PRATT MARKHAM GALLERY — Walton Arts Center. 443-5600. “Watermarks” by local artist Bethany Springer through April 13.
LONG GALLERY — Vol Walker Hall, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Architecture.uark.edu or 575-4704.
MAYAPPLE — 546 W. Center St., Fayetteville. 206-715-3271.
MULLINS LIBRARY — University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. libinfo.uark.edu/info/art exhibit.asp or 575-6702.
OZARK FOLKWAYS — 22733 N. U.S. 71, Winslow. ozarkfolkways.org or 634-3791.
THE PERK — 3980 W. Wedington Drive, Fayetteville. 251-7375.
POOR RICHARD’S ART — 116 S. First St., Rogers. poorrichardsart.com or 636-0417.
ROGERS LITTLE THEATER — 116 S. Second St., Rogers. rogerslittletheater.org or 631-8988.
“SMALL WORKS ON PAPER” — through March 30, Mullins Library, UA campus. Works 24 x 24 inches by William R. Detmers of Pine Bluff, Jennifer Hackworth of Jonesboro, Temple Skelton Moore of Prairie Grove, John Harlan Norris of Jonesboro, Sabine Schmidt of Fayetteville, Mitchell Skinner of Tucker and Keri Young of Little Rock. Also shown are Duane Gardner and Don House of Fayetteville. 575-6702.
TEATRO SCARPINO — 329 N. West Ave., Fayetteville. scarpino.com or 409-3772.
TERRA STUDIOS, MUSE GALLERY AND COFFEEHOUSE — Free admission. Experience a wonderland of art. Explore the 10-acre art park with sculptures, fountains, murals and a stone labrynth. Watch glassblowers make the world-famous Bluebird of Happiness. Enjoy treats in the coffee house. Visit the gallery representing more than 70 local artists. Wonderful handmade gifts. Music at Terra 1 to 4 p.m. in the gallery every Sunday. (Find us on Facebook for news, events, and music listings.) Check out the new event center for your special gathering. Open daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., 13 miles east of Fayetteville off Arkansas 16 at 12103 Hazel Valley Road. 800-255-8995.
ULTRA STUDIOS — 118 W. South St., Fayetteville. ultrastudios.org or 935-4040.
UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS STUDENT GALLERY (sUgAR) — 114 Central Ave., Bentonville. 236-1667.
WHITE LOTUS SALON AND MASSAGE — 4750 Mission, Fayetteville. Open Tues-Sat. Featuring local artists and handmade gifts. 582-4806
ARKANSAS AIR MUSEUM — Drake Field, 4290 S. School Ave., Fayetteville. 521-4947. Aircraft from all eras of aviation history.
ARKANSAS ARTS CENTER — Ninth and Commerce streets, Little Rock. ArkArts.com or 501-372-4000.
GRAVETTE HISTORICAL MUSEUM — 503 Charlotte St. SE, Gravette. 787-7334. Early 1900s restored home with displays representing Gravette’s history.
MUSEUM OF NATIVE AMERICAN ARTIFACTS — 202 S.W. O St., Bentonville. museumofnativeamericanartifacts.org or 273-2456. Free self-guided audio tours of Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, Mississippian and tribal artifacts.
PEA RIDGE NATIONAL MILITARY PARK — 15930 U.S. 62, Garfield. 451-8122. Self-guided road tour, 10-mile hiking trail, Civil War museum and bookstore.
PEEL MANSION MUSEUM AND HISTORIC GARDENS — 400 S. Walton Blvd., Bentonville. 273-9664. 1875 Italianate mansion with historic roses and plants.
PRAIRIE GROVE BATTLEFIELD STATE PARK — 506 E. Douglas St., U.S. 62, Prairie Grove. 846-2990. Civil War battlefield with original buildings.
PRICE TOWER ARTS CENTER — 510 Dewey Ave., Bartlesville, Okla. pricetower.org or 877-424-2424.
ROGERS HISTORICAL MUSEUM — 322 S. Second St., Rogers. 621-1154. rogersarkansas.com/museum. “Rogers Auto-Biography: An Automotive History of RogersÓ through 2011.
SHILOH MUSEUM — 118 W. Johnson Ave., Springdale. 750-8165. springdalear.gov/shiloh. Exhibits of early life in the Ozarks. Original buildings on the grounds.
SILOAM SPRINGS MUSEUM — 112 N. Maxwell St., 524-4011.
UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS DISCOVERY ZONE — 1564 W. Martin Luther King Blvd. Jr., Fayetteville. cmase.uark.edu/UADZ/BYS/BYS.htm or 575-3875.
GET YOURSELF TESTED CELEBRATION — promoting April as national Get Yourself Tested month, 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday, April 9, Speakeasy, Fayetteville. Hosted by NWA Planned Parenthood Action Board. plannedparenthoodnwa@yahoo.com.
PLANT SALE — 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 9, Ozark Natural Foods, Fayetteville.
HOGEYE MARATHON — beginning 7:30 a.m. Sunday, April 10 in Fayetteville. Visit hogeyemarthon.com for race details. Visit freeweekly.com/hogeye to get entered to win prizes for cheering and supporting the runners.
JOHN PIZZARELLI QUARTET — 7 p.m., April 10. Walton Arts Center. $25-75. 443-5600 or waltonartscenter.org.
11TH ANNUAL ART OF WINE FESTIVAL — 6 p.m., April 11. Walton Arts Center. $100 to 125. 443-5600 or waltonartscenter.org.
DAVID SEDARIS — author and humorist, 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 12, Walton Arts Center. For mature audiences. 443-5600 or waltonartscenter.org.
ORIGINAL COMPOSITION PREMEIRE — by composer and visting professor Augusta Read Thomas with University Symphony Orchestra and UA Schola Cantorum, 7 p.m. Friday, April 15, Walton Arts Center.
ZAC BROWN BAND — 7 p.m. Friday, April 15, Mulberry Mountain, Ozark. 785-749-3434 or georgesmajesticlounge.com.
YOGA WORKSHOP — 9 to 10:15 a.m., April 16. B-Fit Studio 25 Block Ste A, Fayetteville. “Open Your Heart: A Journey Into Backbends.” $12. millenniumlifecenter@gmail.com
3RD ANNUAL “THE SOCIETY’S TEA” — 2 to 4 p.m, April 17. Crescent Hotel Conservatory, Eureka Springs. $20 by reservation only. Linda Bridwell 253-6756 or Al Hooks 363-6290. eurekaspringspreservationsociety.org.
MASHBURN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION “GLEE” CONCERT — 7 p.m. Saturday, April 16, UArk Ballroom, Fayetteville. $20 or $25 with all day parking. 582-1936 or www.mashburnfoundation.org.
MAYOR’S TOWN HALL MEETING — 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 20, School of Law Room 240, UA campus.
“LA CASA DE BERNARDA ALBA” — a play by Federico Garcia Lorca, performed in Spanish by the UA Spanish theater production class, 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, April 20-21, Union Theater, UA campus. sites.google.com/site/uateatro/home.
“THOMAS & FRIENDS LIVE! ON STAGE” — 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., April 29. Walton Arts Center. $19-33. 443-5600 or waltonartscenter.org.
MULBERRY RIVER JAM — April 29-30, Camp Byrd’s stages overlooking the Mulberry River. 12 live music acts including Space Capone and Archnemesis. Excursion companies will offer options of raft, kayak, canoe rentals, as well as access to a 200 foot zip line across the river. $30-$50. fayettechill.com.
THE JONES CENTER’S BIG NIGHT! — 6:30 p.m. Saturday, April 30 at George’s Majestic Lounge in Fayetteville. $50. Attendees can ride the train from Springdale to George’s. Hors d’ouevres. Music by The Zeros.
LUCINDA WILLIAMS AND BILLY JOE SHAVER — 8 p.m., May 1. The AMP. $17 to 77. 443-5600 or waltonartscenter.org.
PRIMUS — 8 p.m. Friday, May 27, the AMP, Fayetteville. $27. waltonartscenter.org or 443-5600.
RICK SPRINGFIELD — 8 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 7, the AMP, Fayetteville. $27-$87. waltonartscenter.org or 443-5600.