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Remember When?

My name is Bruce Walker. I have been in my shop since 1976 and am now the second oldest business on Dickson Street for original owners. In 34 years, I have seen a lot of change, recession and renaissance of Dickson Street.

In The News

Time's Up

Yep, the 90-day review period for pay parking in the Entertainment District is coming to a end, and chances are the Fayetteville City Council will at least make some tweaks to the program on Tuesday. There’s also a good likelihood some business owners, patrons and residents will show up to voice concerns, questions, support, complaints and a variety of opinions.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Horoscopes: Dec. 2-6

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Dec. 2-6, 2010


HIV Testing

As part of its new NWA HOPE program (HIV/AIDS Outreach and Prevention Education), the center will continue to offer free HIV testing by appointment on Mondays.


Signs O' The Times

Palin-Jindal 2012? No. Just no.


Burger Bonanza

The folks at Burger Life claim there are hundreds of thousands of burger combinations, and given the choices they offer, I think they’re right.


Backstory: Of Infinite Jest

Humor is lifeblood. Thank god for it. When a sense of bleakness blankets me, which can happen a little too often, humor saves.

Family Friendly

8 Days A Week

For the week of Dec. 2



DEAR MEXICAN: This güero downloaded the Arizona S.B. 1070 bill, did a search on the document for “Mexicans” and did not come up with a single hit. What’s up with that?