Risa's Astrology

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Oct. 23-29, 2008

Birthday of the United Nations

The UN is 63 years old Friday, Oct 24th. And the Declaration of Human Rights, written by Eleanor Roosevelt, is 60 years old this year. The inner esoteric groups within the UN are working together to bring focus upon the spirituality and values of the UN through talks and meetings (http://www.csvgc-ny.org/) and there’s even a birthday cake on Friday if anyone’s on the east coast visiting Manhattan (a spiritual inlet) that day. The UN, with its 180 flags flapping in the wind, sits on international territory overlooking the East River. With Scorpio Sun, the UN’s purpose is often misunderstood.

In Santa Cruz Friday night (Oct. 24th), the local United Nations Association hosts a UN birthday dinner (J. Schultz as chef). Tickets are at the UN gift shop inside Coffee Roasting. Join me there, everyone.

Here are two websites about the UN for children and teens. http://cyberschoolbus.un.org/ & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0baMsmuR29Q.

Senator Barack Obama sent a letter of recognition and acknowledgement to the United Nations in June. See http://www.unausa.org/site/pp.asp?c=fvKRI8MPJpF&b=3748133.

New Moon at 6 degrees Scorpio is Tuesday afternoon. Join the NGWS by reciting the Great Invocation. Wednesday at noon, I’ll be on the radio (from Los Angeles, heart center of the U.S.). For details see http://www.blogtalkradio.com/awakenings. (read more at www.nightlightnews.com)

ARIES: It is time for a new course of study and intellectual discipline. It is most important to be practical, to think ahead about what may be needed, to research and plan. This is where the intellectual discipline comes in. Your Aries gifts and talents initiate new realities and projects. Your Aries mind (on the Soul level, Mercury ruled) sees the big picture, the one that creates the new culture and civilization. Your tasks concerning the future are many. Know this.

TAURUS: You are becoming more and more aware of subtle realities. This is because your purpose is to use your senses, desires, aspirations, mind and finances in service to others, creating ways of life that sustain. As you offer constancy and substances that meet the needs of others, calmness appears amidst uncertainty. You will lead the way with the Light within your mind, which contains very important information. Know the money needed will come.

GEMINI:  Be observant of close and intimate encounters (not necessarily sex). Intimacy means a depth of perspective may be found with one or more close relationships. A quiet and private atmosphere of friendship may occur due to knowing someone or from a long association. You may speak or private things and/or feelings, feel familiarity perhaps with a stranger, sense confidence and love, seek actions that create a state of being cherished. All these occur in fleeting moments. Seek them, observe them, be grateful.

CANCER: Your thoughts are concerned with choices you must make to effectively and efficiently create your daily life according to your needs, hopes and wishes. You want to make every action count and have your mind clear in order to discover the best way to proceed. Another consideration is your connection with a larger group than family. You must think on this. Meanwhile, tend to all health concerns immediately.

LEO: So perhaps you’ve brought up past family issues. Now you want some fun and playfulness to balance the serious waters family memory brought forth. You can do just that. But what for you is play, what is serious fun, where would you find pleasure and with whom? Later a series of creative ideas will appear. But only is you’re rested up which arises hen the fun part is completely fulfilled.

VIRGO: Creating an ecological and sustainable environment and garden seems to be a next step for you. Since you are a most important earth and plant steward, it would be good for you to begin the study of permaculture. A design revolution is needed in our world today. Your detailed mind can create this. It means a new way of thinking and being in the world – a new life support system. Saturn will help discipline and change you now.

LIBRA: Your communication skills enter into a new realm of kindness. It would be good for you to through your neighborhood, observe the flora and fauna, listen to early morning bird sounds and calls. Did you know bird sounds assist in the opening of the flowers? As you contact the nature kingdom, you will connect with your inner self and calmness emerges. The plant kingdom is the most perfected kingdom. It is summoning you.

SCORPIO:  Generosity is something you begin to ponder upon. When one gives (and gives some more) one’s life turns around, it’s an activity of the Soul, and there’s less thought of how to tend to the self and more on how to tend to others (humanity). When one gives, there’s a one hundred-fold return. So the giving can increase and the joy of giving overcomes (fulfills) the need to have. This is a paradox. Try it on for a while.

SAGITTARIUS: A benevolence seems to befallen you in quiet and subtle ways. An inner light containing intelligence and love is emanating from you. People seeing it and want to emulate and stand in your presence. You are like a hidden lighthouse at the edge of a river, beckoning small boats into the harbor, giving them safety and hope. This is, as I said, very subtle. Be aware, tend to, acknowledge and keep it safe. Others need it. You have it for only three weeks.

CAPRICORN: Each day you feel several aspirations. While responsibly tending to errands you also share information about your professional skills and talents. Then you scurry away to be safely alone with your artistic efforts. Barely do you want to leave the solitude and privacy of your inner creative life. The solitude you seek allows your imagination to flourish. And then you thrive and your gifts increase. In and out you go. Balancing all the way.

AQUARIUS: Attend all parties and group gatherings. Create your own. It’s a good time for socializing, discussions, creating group plans and agendas, for seeking more resources (and distributing some, too). Be with like-minded others, ask them how they envision the future. Take photos of friends and your present life and write a journal of experiences during this time. These will be valuable in the future for various important and preparatory reasons.

PISCES: You may meet new people and have experiences directing you toward new spiritual tasks. These may occur unexpectedly, but upon seeing them you’ll recognize a life expansion is occurring that you’ve been preparing for. This will be a happy and deserving occasion. You will take over from someone a task that you will be excellent at. There is much work to do. Schedule, plan, accept, follow up and continually have gratitude.

Categories: Risa's Astrology