New Moon Solar Eclipse, Days of Awe, a New Year & Apples Dipped in Honey

New Moon Solar Eclipse, Days of Awe, a New Year & Apples Dipped in Honey

We are under the Light of Libra – a time of pausing, a time of rest, an interim when choices are made. We are also in the time of the Jewish Days of Awe, when, as a new year begins, we are called to forgiveness and forgiving. It is a time when our names can be written in the Book of Life.

For disciples all religions have purpose, understanding they are all developmental stages and directions for humanity. Disciples celebrate all of humanity’s religious festivals. They are all based on the signs and symbols of the heavens which is astrology – the handwriting of G-d in the heavens.

And so…two festivals are held in the Days of Awe – Rosh Hashanah, October 2nd during the new moon, solar eclipse (something essential drops away, its usefulness and purpose complete) of Libra. Rosh Hashanah lasts two days and nights. And Yom Kippur, ten days later, Oct. 11th as Pluto stations retrograde.

Rosh Hashanah – (Hebrew: ראש השנה‎, “beginning of the year”), the Jewish new year in the Hebrew calendar. In the synagogue, we hear the Shofar (sound of the ram’s horn), awakening us from our “slumbers,” alerting us to participate in the days of holiness, gathering in community of remembrance. It is a time of forgiveness and being forgiven, to making amends, to G-d’s assessment of our lives and finally to being inscribed in the Book of Life. Such a profound invitation to all of humanity!

Rosh Hashanah, always at a new moon, call to mind the magical creation of humanity (Adam and Eve) and the knowledge of humanity’s responsibilities in G-d’s world. Rosh Hashanah, as the first day of a new year, is also a day of wisdom, discernment and decision. The shofar, calling humanity to offer and ask forgiveness, summons humanity to the first of the 10 Days of Repentance culminating in Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). In the two days of Rosh Hashanah, we offer apples dipped in honey so that we each have a “sweet year” ahead. During these Days of Awe we say to each other, “L’shanah tovah,” which means “May you have a good, abundant and sweet year ahead.” (more on Yom Kippur, days of forgiveness, next week)

ARIES: Through autumn you will consider many things related to Taurus – comfort, your value system, finances, resources and earning power. An interesting (perhaps fleeting) thought may concern worthiness – are you of value and are you worthy enough to seek what you don’t yet have? It’s a good time to create a system of savings, of appropriate spending that prepares for an unusual unexpected future, and to seek those in need to share your wealth with. You are wealthy in many and multiple ways.

TAURUS: The past is no longer viable, available or even of interest. Only the present/future is important and possible. However, as the present changes moment by moment and the future isn’t formed yet, your focus is to create an attitude and environment of freedom so that you can be completely adaptable to any situation. This allows you to create community anywhere, for self and others. Put food and water and meds aside for the many coming to you for stability and aid. Also, your environment needs ordering.

GEMINI: For several months you stand behind the scenes perhaps seeking a haven of peace, a spiritual protection and a refuge. You know that true refuge is only found when we raise our personality to the Soul (and later to the Will of God). For now, notice your virtues of compassion, empathy and sensitivity deepening. Your true sense of refuge is when you help others, serving them more and more. You’re the carrier of love and laughter and joy. They need distribution to a world in crisis.

CANCER: Your inner self begins to formulate long-range goals. Consider what you want to accomplish before your life on earth this time around is completed. This allow entrance into a greater spiritual realm, that state of mind, which, when we transition from earth to heaven, is how we will continue when we return (rebirth) to Earth? This is a broad and deep level of spiritual thinking and planning…creating goals for the next lifetime. Understanding this, many turn to you for nurturance.

LEO: The integrity and honesty you bring to your work holds you steady in the light as others assess your virtues and qualities for the purpose of a later promotion, new work opportunity, a grant, award and/or honor. You’ve gained much through experience, service and study. Now you can “be in everyone’s corner” so everyone too is in the limelight, everyone recognized and rewarded. Assess career goals and praise others who have helped you steadily along the way – family, friends, co-workers and lovers.

VIRGO: You become intellectually curious (more so), desire further education and travel, seek a study that explains your constant search for a sense of religion and/or spirituality. You are seeking the Soul. A feeling of optimism surrounds all that you do. Begin to write now of your spiritual search, experiences, seekings, your steps along the “road.” You are seeking the path to the temple of knowledge. Describe your days and nights in ways only an observant Virgo can write. Tolerance creates a deeper understanding. These virtues gestate within you till Christmas day.

LIBRA: Libra is on the cardinal cross – which means Libra is one of the signs that understands will and initiates new realities. The cardinal signs – Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn – know the difference between power-over and power-with. Libra shares power, seeking to include others, always creating balance, sharing resources. Having left much behind, you have become emotionally sensitive. Startling revelations occur, providing you with psychological understanding and personal transformation. The time of forgiveness is now for you to comprehend.

SCORPIO: Very quietly you begin to seek a deeper intimacy with family, friends and those close to you. If already committed to another, you establish more solidity, constancy and expand the depths in your relationship. Partnerships, negotiations and contractual agreements become your focus. Different cultures and people are of interest. All interactions, if held in goodwill, are successful. Challenges from the past settle down. You eventually become an advisor, popular and standing before the public. What is no longer useful slips away.

SAGITTARIUS: Jupiter, your ruler, is in Gemini, your opposite sign. What does this mean for you? The introduction says everything. But of course there’s more. A certain joy will be experienced. You’ll see the outcome and benefits of your work and know your work is useful to many seekers on the path towards knowledge. You will seek to interact with and help others differently. Small tasks become important. You have true pride in your work and your integrity increases. A small animal, bird or creature may seek out your company.

CAPRICORN: Although you always step into your complete responsibilities, there is a secret hidden side to yourself and that is your creative imagination. Self-expression, creativity and a sense of inner freedom are experienced the following months and well into next year. A foundation is being built that later leads to recognition and reward. A hidden talent, one you’ve known about yet didn’t quite use, comes forth and you discover a new aspect and gift of self. Sometimes all you think about is music, art and travel. Soon.

AQUARIUS: Your thoughts center on possible changes in home, family, property, land, community and things domestic. You ask yourself what is needed, what is available and what is most comfortable in terms of your living situation. You consider what security and safety mean to you and how to create a home that provides these, along with comfort. You have an inner stability and you want that stability (which nurtures you) to manifest in your outer living situation. Nurture, nourish and praise and recognize others. A sense of well-being then pervades all aspects of your life. And that of others, too.

PISCES: Experiences you are having in life, especially with the world at large are providing you with increased knowledge, a shifting of values, and multiple revelations that are psychological insightful. Knowledge is expanding you at the speed of light. This is Uranus, the god of lightning, affecting your state of mind. Tend to your bicycle or car carefully. You actually many need a new one (bike or car). Equally tend to messages from others. Expand technologically. New friends are made. They are ancient (friends), actually. You’re seen as a gift.

~Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist

Founder & Director…The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute — a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings.

The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology & the Seven Rays.


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