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‘In American Waters’ explores nation’s turbulent, lasting relationship with the sea

Mary Jordan NWA Democrat Gazette Sounds of seabirds and waves crashing against the shore greet visitors to “In American Waters: The Sea in American Painting,” setting the stage for an


Merry And Bright: Boutique Show returns for festive shopping fun

KAREN RICE A girls’ outing doesn’t get any better than this. The Northwest Arkansas Boutique Show is back for its 15th year on Nov. 19-20. For two days, the


Fashion On Film: Interform brings experience home

Creativity and the art of fashion won’t be stopped. Despite the ongoing pandemic and its enduring hindrance to large gatherings, Interform continues to innovate with its programming and its methods


Hidden In The Grain: Woodcarvers reveal their magic at annual show Nov. 6-7

“I remember walking up to a lady and asking her how can someone like me, someone without any art degree of any kind, begin to carve,” Scott Boyle starts his


Let The Art Speak For Itself: Regional works convey who, where, when we are

When organizers at the Walton Arts Center’s Joy Pratt Markham Gallery resolved to curate an exhibition that reflects Northwest Arkansas’ sense of place, that realization only led to more questions.


End Of An Era: ‘The Lost Highway’ remembered at FSRAM

Hot Springs artist David Malcolm Rose remembers driving the old highways back in the day when they brought tourists into small towns instead of skirting around them. As interstates became


Three-Dimensional History: Models capture 19th century Van Winkle Mill, school

Mike Carney says he wasn’t very interested in history growing up and wouldn’t consider himself an artist. Yet Carney has created something with Popsicle sticks, craft glue and “a common


Another’s Treasure: Beauty in eye of beholder at Junk Ranch Oct. 1-2

An auction was Junk Ranch founder Amy Daniels’ gateway drug into serious junking. She can’t remember what inspired the trip out to a farm sale with her sister Holly, but


The Sounds In Silence: Sculpture installations encourage compassionate listening

Focus your attention completely on your hearing. What do you notice? Close your eyes. Do you note even more sounds? Perhaps if you’re at home, or in an office, you


Iconic Art Comes Home: FSRAM opens expansion with artist John Bell Jr.

If you fell in love with the iconic Fort Smith scenes by artist John Bell Jr. exhibited in 2018, the Fort Smith Regional Art Museum has exciting news. Bell’s work,