Roots Festival More Than Music
The Fayetteville Roots Festival isn’t just about music any more than a person is embodied in an eye, a heart, a kidney or any other singular organ. The Roots Festival is about the full living, breathing organism that is this unique Arkansas community.
20 Years ‘On The Air’
July marks 20 years of “On the Air with Richard S. Drake” appearing on Fayetteville Public Access Television.
Your Media And You
It’s often said the best way to keep government honest is to have a strong, free press, and what’s freer than a television show created by you using the publicly owned equipment at Fayetteville Public Access Television.
'ZGB" Extra With Jim Goza
Need more “Zombie Go Boom” action? Here’s a supplemental Q&A with “ZGB” host Jim Goza to go with the feature on undead butt kickin’
'Tails' From The Shelter
Recently, the shelter took in 43 kittens in a two-day period. While many people have stepped up to foster these little kittens, there are still many more that need foster (or forever) homes.
A Royal Spring
I got my Tim Ernst “Arkansas Waterfalls” book and confirmed the location — about an hour and a half from Fayetteville with a 1.25-mile walk.
Earth Day Goes Interactive
Let’s face it — Earth Day in Fayetteville is not just one day anymore.
The Street Style-Stalker
It’s spring time (finally!) and surprise, surprise, Mother Nature still has Fayetteville’s finest covering up to bear the chill brought in March.
Protesters Organize ‘Rebel With A Cause’
The “rebel” who this ride honors is Private First Class Bradley Manning. Manning has been imprisoned in the Quantico Marine Corps Brig for nine months, suspected of giving highly classified State Department cables to the website WikiLeaks.
Sweets Sorrow
Candy Lee and the Sweets will give a farewell performance Sunday, May 1, at Greenhouse Grille before the band’s namesake and her husband head off to pursue opportunities in Jacksonville, Fla.