Investigating New Ideas
Sunday, the United States will be 234 years old, the numbers adding up to nine.
Serial Monotony
My husband of 18 years woke me up one morning to inform me that he told this woman in the class he’s taking that he’s happily married and isn’t looking to cross any lines.
Sperm Wail
I’m 26, and I’ve been looking at my stepsister’s dating life with a measure of worry. She’s 36, and wants children, but still hasn’t found “the one.”
Flag Day & Gemini New Moon
Last Thursday, Mars entered Virgo and this Thursday enters Gemini
A Whole New Bald Game
I’ve noticed some things vanishing from the North American landscape; namely, phone booths, drinking fountains and pubic hair on women
Winds of Change, Uranus in Aries
Uranus (revolution, new culture and civilization) entered Aries last Thursday, just after the Gemini/Sag full moon Festival of Humanity.
The Power Of Positive Sinking
Ohh! I FINALLY get what you’re saying! For the longest time, I was resenting you for telling women they shouldn’t ask men out.