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Risa's Astrology

The Times They Are a-Changin’

We are in the midst of the Three Spring Festivals which are the foundations of the New World Religion forming as the Aquarian Age continues to unfold.

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Wesak Festival: Buddha Blesses The World

Two celebrations, Earth Day today and Wesak on Wednesday, and one major transit, Saturn opposite Uranus, are the focus of this week’s astrology.

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Hermes (Mercury) Retrogrades

Mercury, the wing-footed Hermes, retrogrades at 11:06 p.m. at 12 degrees Taurus.

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The Moon’s Influence

As the Sun moves through the last half of Aries, it’s best to begin projects this week — not next — because on April 18 Mercury retrogrades in Taurus.

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Easter, the Resurrection Festival

In the Christian liturgy, Thursday is celebrated as Holy Thursday the day of the Last Supper, when Christ gathered his disciples and instituted the priesthood and Holy Eucharist, the new dispensation.

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Aries, New Beginnings

We are in the realm of Aries now. Who and what is Aries?

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Behold, I Make All Things New

The Spring Equinox is the astronomical resurrection.

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The New Group of World Servers

Daylight Savings Time begins at 2 a.m. Sunday. Monday is Pisces new moon and Wednesday is St. Patrick’s Day. We’re less than two weeks from Spring equinox.

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Mars Direct

This entire winter Mars, planet of action, has been retrograde. The result is we’ve had difficulty moving about, holding objects, having direction, maintaining energy.

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Understanding Pisces

Spring’s almost here, daylight’s increasing, trees are abloom and we’re beginning to bloom and increase in light, too.