Risa's Astrology
Jupiter in Aries, Saturn Retrogrades
The news that astrology has changed is a hoax! It’s another diversion from reality. — Risa
Horoscopes: Jan. 6-12
Thursday is Epiphany (Greek for “revelation”), Three Kings Day, the day the Three Astrologer Magi Kings found the Holy Child in the stable, offered gifts of gold, frankincense & myrrh (gifts given to Apollo).
Horoscopes: Dec. 23
Christmas is Saturday, with a Virgo (let us not be critical, let us be grateful) moon (with matter, mother, the past). Let us, as an antidote, have the purposeful intentions for Gratitude, for Goodwill which, through the establishment of Right Relations, brings Peace to the world which “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing.”
Horoscopes: Dec. 16
The Cherubim, angels from the constellation Cancer, guardians of families begin to surround the Earth. We “set our eyes toward Bethlehem”. On the way what gifts for each sign shall we bring?
Horoscopes: Dec. 9-15
Mercury entered Capricorn the last day of December. With Mercury in Cap, our communication becomes bare bones, essentially informational.
Horoscopes: Nov. 25 To Dec. 1
As the Aquarian Age unfolds, there is a developmental task humanity will recognize as their responsibility (and gift). It is the recognition of and work (co-creation) with the Devic (Angelic Beings of Light) kingdom, the builders of all form on Earth.
Honoring Those Who Have Safeguarded Freedom
Venus is now our Morning Star. In Libra and retrograde (till the 18th), Venus calls forth, from the depths of each of us, loving intelligence, justice, balance, equality and Right Relations, the first step toward Goodwill.