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Risa's Astrology

Solstice, Christmas & Gifts of Each Sign

And so here we are in the last days of the year, Friday, the Sun enters Capricorn and it’s winter solstice. Monday is Christmas. At winter solstice, (Latin for “sun

Risa's Astrology

A Mercury Retrograde Season!

Mercury retrograde begins Tuesday (December 12) night around midnight after the Sagittarius new moon. Mercury remains retrograde ‘til the first day of the new year. Christmas too is retrograde this

Risa's Astrology

St. Nick, Hanukkah, New Moon, Two Marys & Mercury retrograde!

We have a week filled with multiple festivals, a saint’s day, a festival of light, two Mary’s days, a new moon and to top it all off, Mercury stationing retrograde!

Risa's Astrology

Sagittarius, Advent, the Work of the People with Right Human Relations

We’re in Sag now, sign of food, music, the photographer, adventurer, philosopher, rider on the white horse. In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna (Divine driver of warrior Arjuna’s chariot) says “I

Risa's Astrology

Gratitude – a Radiance of Solace to a World in Crisis

On Wednesday, November 22, the Sun enters Sagittarius and we embark on weeks ahead filled with gratitude. Thursday, November 23, is Thanksgiving. Sagittarius is a most auspicious sign to be

Risa's Astrology

New Era, Laws & Principles, Scorpio’s Call & Message

This is our last week of Scorpio – sign of the call to humanity to become disciples. That is why the experience of Scorpio is so difficult. It’s the last

Risa's Astrology

Aquarian Salon Invitation & What to do in Times of War

The next Aquarian Salon on Zoom will occur Saturday November 11 at 10am west coast time (USA). The theme is Inspiration. The Aquarian Salon is a gathering of people interested in the wisdom teachings, astrology,

Risa's Astrology

Let Maya Flourish & Deception Rule

In the Wisdom Teachings, each sign of the zodiac has two spiritual keynotes (personality and Soul keynote) – words for students to recite, study and ponder upon. Keynotes help in

Risa's Astrology

Scorpio Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse

Both Sun and Mercury are in Scorpio now. Hermes, the messenger (Mercury), sending information to humanity via the rays of the Sun. It’s a Scorpionic message, concerning Scorpio’s Nine Tests,

Risa's Astrology

Libra, Crisis of Balance, Choice & Legislation (Law)

We are in our last days of Libra. Soon, Scorpio Sun begins (Monday, Oct. 23) along with the Nine Tests of Mars. Before the sign of Libra formally ends for