Risa's Astrology
Two Fish Bound by a Golden Cord
Until March 20th (Spring Equinox), Earth and her kingdoms (mineral, plant, animal, human) experience the influence of Pisces, sign of the World Savior.
年节 Chinese New Year
This is the first week of Lent (purification, preparation) and according to the Luni-solar calendar, the Chinese Spring Festival/Lunar New Year of 2015 – Year of the Wood Sheep/Goat.
Avatars, Presidents, Valentines, Ashes, Lent & a New Moon
This is our last week of Aquarius (world Server). Next week (Wednesday) Sun enters Pisces (world Savior). Note the different esoteric tasks. Although it’s being denied, past structures of reality continue breaking down and dissolving.
Last week of Mercury Retrograde
While in its “retrograde shadow” Mercury’s not yet quite moving forward with it’s usual “messenger” speed.
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius
The magical time of Mercury’s retrograde cycle is here once again (till February 11th, and then some). Mercury retro cycle actually lasts 8 weeks when we consider its retrograde shadow. Giving us 6 months a year for review.
Serving in Aquarius – Sun, New Moon in Aquarius
While resting on the mountaintop of Capricorn the disciples, hearing the cries of humanity in need, knew they would return to Earth, to serve in Aquarius and save in Pisces (the last two signs). Tuesday, Sun enters Aquarius.
The Unicorn
All twelve astrological signs have glyphs and symbols. The higher intuitive mind understands concepts through symbols.
The New Year, New Renaissance – Incoming Ray 7
We are in winter now (Northern hemisphere) – a deeply interior moment of time. What will 2015 bring forth? As 2015 unfolds and the last (of seven) Uranus/Pluto square occur, humanity begins to understand the old world cannot be restored and realizes its true identity (World Server).
Our Gifts – Fiery Sacrificial Lights to One Another
Wednesday is Christmas Eve, Hanukkah ends and the Moon’s in Aquarius – calling for the new world to take shape At midnight, Thursday morning, the Sun, at the Tropic of Capricorn, begins moving northward.
Giving & Giving Then Giving Some More
The year is almost over. Wednesday, December 17th, Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Light begins. We are in our last week of Sag and last two weeks of December.