Risa's Astrology
Gemini Festival of Goodwill, World Invocation Day
This entire week is a preparation by the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) for the June full moon (Tuesday) & to welcome the Forces of Reconstruction, great outer planetary forces streaming into the Earth at the Gemini Solar Festival.
Gemini Sun, Pentecost, Shavuot – Enlightenment & Gladness
As the Sun enters the sign of Gemini – sign of speaking, communication, thinking, inter-relations, writing and understanding languages, the feast days of Pentecost & Shavuot (Catholic & Jewish festivals) occur.
Remember the 4th Commandment
On Mother’s Day – Venus in Cancer (the protector). Sun in Taurus (comforter), Aquarius moon (nourisher). Mother, the comforter (Taurus), nurturer, nourisher (moon). Mother’s Day (Sunday) this year, with Aquarius
Wesak (Water) Taurus Solar Festival, Buddha Blesses the Earth
A most important celebration occurs Sunday, May 3, – the Wesak Taurus Buddha Solar Festival/full moon. At the moment of the full moon the Buddha’s presence enters the Earth plane
International Earth Day – Mother Earth Day
As more than a billion people participate in Earth Day activities every year, Earth Day has become the world’s largest civic observance. The massive concern to build right relations between
Pluto Retrograde, Aries New Moon, Lyrid Meteor Showers
As the Lyrid meteors, radiating from the star Vega in the Harp constellation, begin showering heaven and earth with light, Pluto, planet of transformation (or die) turns stationary retrograde (Thursday,
Passion Week, Eclipse, Full Moon, Aries Festival, Passover & Easter
We have entered a most important week of multiple festivals. Three Ages and religious festivals – stages for humanity’s development – are occurring simultaneously.
Spring Triangle – Three Spring Festivals
The Spring signs Aries, Taurus and Gemini constitute a triangle of force that sets the template for the nine signs that follow and the template for the entire year (Spring 2015-Spring 2016) ahead.
Intensity, Change, Transformation – Mars, Uranus, Pluto
Mars/Uranus, Mars/Pluto, Mercury enters Pisces, Saturn Retrograde, Uranus square Pluto, Venus enters Taurus.
Week of Festivals – Full Moon, Lantern Festival, Purim, Holi
It is a week of many different festivals along with a full moon, all occurring simultaneously. Thursday Chinese New Year celebrations end with the Lantern Festival (at full moon).