In the western zodiac, the days from February 18th to March 20th, the Earth and her kingdoms (mineral, plant, animal, human) are influenced by the light of Pisces, sign of compassion and the World Savior. Whereas the task of Aquarius is the World Server, the task in Pisces is saviorship or saving the world. This is also the task of humanity, although the massses of humanity are not yet aware of this task. The suffering that humanity experiences is what cultivates this awareness. One begins with thoughts of Goodwill, which become Right Relationship, which then become hope, vision, love and peace.
Those born under Pisces Sun never fully enter matter. They remain within a very fine subtle etheric field of light. Life in form for some Pisces is very difficult. Pisces (water element) is joined by Gemini (air element), also living in the etheric plane. Whereas Pisces may often feel lost, Gemini uses humor for support.
Pisces, the last zodiacal sign, includes all previous eleven signs. Pisces is like a gathering place of the zodiac, offering the gifts of each sign to Aries at springtime. Pisces (like Scorpio) can be thought of as challenging and difficult to understand. Pisces and Scorpio are both ruled by Pluto, planet of death and transformation. Both signs find life on Earth a hardship, disorienting, paradoxical and a struggle.
Each zodiacal sign exhibits a different level and phase of personality first, later unfolding the Soul light. Pisces, on the soul level, is the “Light of the world ending forever the darkness of matter.” It takes two fishes to complete this work (creating eventually one extraordinary human being). One fish faces the material world (in order to understand matter), the other faces the heavenly worlds. Around them is a silvery cord binding them (heaven and earth) together.
The two Pisces fishes are bound together until all of humanity is redeemed (lifted up to the soul light). This redeeming of humanity is the task of all World Saviors (Krishna, Buddha, Christ and eventually, humanity). This requires great sacrifice and suffering which is experienced by Pisces. Knowing these things about Pisces, understanding the task of Pisces, should we encounter Pisces in our lives, now we better understand them and can assist them. Their gratitude then becomes a blessing.
ARIES: Many of you are or will be called (some are summoned) to go into retreat for a while. This is a good thing. Your ruler (planet influencing Aries), Mars, will be calling you to a place of shelter, refuge, sanctuary, an inner harbor that nourishes and nurtures you, so you can reflect upon the past year and make plans in the quietest part of yourself for the coming seasons. This is a gift of time and contemplation. Attend church.
TAURUS: You find yourself constantly in groups even as you attempt to find a cottage in the woods in order to be alone. Sorry, Taurus, life has other ideas in mind for you. It’s because the groups you are in need your quiet, efficient and illuminating ideas, thoughts, mind, practical direction and determined focus. Behind all your words and ideas is the reality that it’s time for world reorientation, salvage and redemption. Because of this sacrifice must come forth from all of us. When Taurus leads, everyone follows.
GEMINI: It is time for change and time to thoughtfully consider what you know, think and feel are your talents and abilities that assist in the reconstruction of the world. What do you want to be recognized for and what gifts of yourself will you offer to the New Group of World Servers? Our task is to impress humanity with the new ideals that will create the new culture and civilization. Where do you stand on these? Actually, where are you, Gemini? Calling Gemini!
CANCER: We are so often caught up in our duties and responsibilities, our past karma and what we perceive as real. However, an interesting situation is occurring. You now have freedom to choose your future and the many paths available. You can also choose to remain static. Your life becomes pregnant with possibilities and potential. You will be impressed with complex information so you can simultaneously perceive multiple levels of reality. You have entered a new field of light containing the information you seek.
LEO: You might find yourself dedicated to researching deep religious themes which form an important focus of your life. Over time and subtly, altruism, humility, compassion and self-sacrifice become your keynotes. People begin to perceive you as devout, devotional as well as philosophical, idealistic and visionary. You will have inspired insights that assist both the self and others. You imagine other lands and worlds. It’s good to build a boat, eat fish, swim in warm waters and build an imaginary village.
VIRGO: At times you find yourself functioning in realities that help you further define yourself. In these new thoughts of self, understanding, compassion and intuition growing daily. Do not be concerned with finances and resources and try not to feel deprivation. There is no deprivation. You have all you need and there is only goodness everywhere. God is always good. Some obligations and responsibilities call. All that you do, do in service to the world.
LIBRA: Perhaps you find yourself yearning for “the other.” Perhaps you are striving to harmonize relationships with significant others—friends, family, therapists, business colleagues and lover(s). Through them you step outside yourself. They invite you to learn, grow and become more whole within yourself. It’s painful, the razor’s edge, honing your rough edges. This is the design embedded within relationships. What is your story? Who do you love? And what do you fear? Gratitude and forgiveness are the healers.
SCORPIO: This is a time set aside for you to care for your health. Know that you are the best there is. And now, do you have a vision, a dream you dream about? Something you need or want to create? Do not become disillusioned. This will affect your health, which, with focus, you must build up again. Do not overwork or allow excessive worry. You never fail and never will. There is no such thing as failure. There is only experience and learning. Mars retrograde calls you to understand all your hidden feelings.
SAGITTARIUS: There are times you may struggle with free-floating ideas and thoughts. They create disillusion and disappointment concerning relationships and professional endeavors. Simultaneously, it’s important to focus on present day creativity. You have had recognition in the world in previous lives. In this life, you’ll feel great powers still to be expressed, longing to do something significant. You finally realize you’re talented and fortunate. And that sacrifice plays a part. You need domestic peace and seclusion.
CAPRICORN: You find you’re more curious than usual about the words you and others speak. You seek to look beneath the surface of language to understand the source of each word, thus attaining a complete picture of reality. I learned the other day that if one listens to communications through the lens and question “what needs are being expressed?”, the hidden psychological messages become clear. Seek solitude when creating, writing or doing mental/imaginative work. You only confide in the very few.
AQUARIUS: You can be very generous. You always choose the perfect gift for others. This is most insightful! You can also be dreamy and/or imaginative about your money. Careful with your resources these days! You have a sense of timing and intuition concerning when things should be done, with whom, when and where. These abilities will be more easily seen in the coming months. You can tap into unusual resources. There is always the supply you need. Share it generously. You are from the future.
PISCES: You’re not an everyday sort of person. You don’t have the energy of Aries or the steadfastness of Taurus, the business acumen of Capricorn or the relating skills of Libra. You don’t have the details of Virgo, your shadow, the sign opposite Pisces. You’re in touch with other states of reality containing different values based on spiritual motivations. Know that even if all seems to fail, you still have the ability to be thankful and have gratitude. You need music, art and to plant an orchard of many and varied edible trees. Then you speak with them.
~Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist
Founder & Director…The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute — a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings.
The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology & the Seven Rays.
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