Get Your Cajun On
The Brew is actually bisque and is some of the most amazing stuff you’ll ever put in your mouth. I think they must either use a unicorn horn to stir it with or they sprinkle it with rainbow dust.
Parking Redux
Despite playing to a crowded house, the Fayetteville City Council heard zero public comments Tuesday night — on its regional urban stormwater education program. Parking? Well, that set some lips to flapping.
You Tech My Breath Away
I’ve had some good experiences with online dating, but I just can’t get over this feeling that it just isn’t natural or sexy.
Letters To The Freekly
’Tis the season for giving, and the city has just received another gift that won’t stop giving. (”Cleaned and Greened,” Northwest Arkansas Times, Nov. 21, 2010). May I humbly suggest a better headline? “Out damn’d spot!” (with apologies to Shakespeare).
News Of The Weird
The collapse of the economy in 2008 might have reached the far corners of Earth, but evidently not to Planet Calypso, the make-believe asteroid containing make-believe real estate in the multiplayer online game “Entropia Universe,” where resort entrepreneur Jon Jacobs recently cashed out his properties for $635,000 — in real (not make-believe) U.S. dollars.
Horoscopes: Dec. 9-15
Mercury entered Capricorn the last day of December. With Mercury in Cap, our communication becomes bare bones, essentially informational.
Ask A Mexican: Grounded
Why can AeroMexico Airlines fly through any kind of weather conditions to get to and from the United States, but any kind of little ice sprinkle or heavy wind and domestic airlines in the U.S. cancel two days worth of flights?
Roller Derby Gets To Wrapping
Northwest Arkansas Roller Derby benefit Sunday, Dec. 5 10am-5pm at Hastings in Fayetteville
Irish Red Hits In The Middle
Danny’s Irish Style Red Ale is a 6.5 percent alcohol offering from Moylan’s Brewing Company in Novato, Calif.
Art Sale, Woodcarving Events
The well known woodcarver and instructor Janet Denton Cordell will be displaying some of her work along with her sister, Adina Huckins, also a woodcarver.