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Male Call

Are pleats coming back?

Q. My wife and I were just on vacation in Santa Fe for their 100th Annual Indian Market and were lucky enough to get tickets to a Fashion Show. Like the

Risa's Astrology

Sun in Virgo, New Moon & Uranus Retrogrades

The Sun entered Virgo Monday, bringing us the sign of Ceres in the garden tending to Persephone, her daughter, who soon will enter into the underworld, and then Ceres, missing

Male Call

Where should trousers should fit? The seat or the waist?

Q. I have a pair of dress trousers that seem to pull at my pockets. They don’t feel tight and the waist fits correctly, but you can see the lining

Risa's Astrology

Leo to Virgo – Entrance to a Secret Garden

We are in our last week of Leo. Leo is the light of the Soul which is the light of the Sun that bestows upon humanity and the earth richness,

Male Call

What ties go best with my new Armani suit?

Q. I took your advice and bought a suit for the fall now when prices are lower. So now I have an extremely fine Armani double-breasted suit of black-and-white houndstooth

Male Call

Tips to get wrinkle free pants

Q. My old permanent press pants came out of the dryer ready to wear. They did not need ironing. But when I have bought no-iron pants recently, they always appear

Risa's Astrology

Sirius – Where Love & Freedom Originate

The Month of August is overseen, directed and guided by the blue star Sirius, seen in the sky to the left of Orion. Sirius is to our solar system what

Risa's Astrology

Labours of Hercules – Twelve Stories & Twelve Signs

We are presently under the fiery light of Leo, one of the twelve narratives or labors of Hercules. Each of the 12 Labors (zodiacal signs & Gates) of Hercules is

Male Call

The why, the when and the how of white pants

Q. Are white pants something that the average man, or at least not model/attention-grabbing man, would or should wear? I see them in GQ, which certainly doesn’t mean it’s for

Risa's Astrology

Leo New Moon, Jupiter Retrogrades & Lammas

Thursday is a new moon (Leo) and Jupiter beginning its retrograde phase in Aries. During new moon times, we uphold and support the endeavors of the New Group of World