What color socks I should wear with black sneakers or other dark athletic shoes?
Q. While they don’t show much, I always wonder what color socks I should wear with black sneakers or other dark athletic shoes? Particularly when combined with casual work wear.
Aquarian Salon Invitation & What to do in Times of War
The next Aquarian Salon on Zoom will occur Saturday November 11 at 10am west coast time (USA). The theme is Inspiration. The Aquarian Salon is a gathering of people interested in the wisdom teachings, astrology,
Don’t be led astray, tips for a man’s first suit
Q. On the cover of the recent issue of Esquire, Yusef Salaam is wearing a great looking suit. I liked the fabric and the fit. He looks so terrific that it
Let Maya Flourish & Deception Rule
In the Wisdom Teachings, each sign of the zodiac has two spiritual keynotes (personality and Soul keynote) – words for students to recite, study and ponder upon. Keynotes help in
Are polo shirts still an appropriate piece of casual wear?
Q. Are polo shirts still an appropriate piece of casual wear? If so, do they go in or out of pants and what do I match them with? A. Polo
Scorpio Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse
Both Sun and Mercury are in Scorpio now. Hermes, the messenger (Mercury), sending information to humanity via the rays of the Sun. It’s a Scorpionic message, concerning Scorpio’s Nine Tests,
Elegance beyond ordinary: Decoding European style for business success
Q. I have a business trip to Italy coming up (during which time I will also be meeting friends of my wife’s family). She insists that I need to dress
Libra, Crisis of Balance, Choice & Legislation (Law)
We are in our last days of Libra. Soon, Scorpio Sun begins (Monday, Oct. 23) along with the Nine Tests of Mars. Before the sign of Libra formally ends for
Blue jeans in the office: Debunking the dilemma and navigating workplace attire
Q. You’ve written a few times in recent weeks about blue jeans as if they are an acceptable choice in the office. It’s fine to work in your yard with
The Rising Trend of Stretch in Men’s Fashion
Q. I ordered a few pairs of Levi’s recently and my wife said they fit much better than in the past. I wondered why and she pointed out that they