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Risa's Astrology

I Was Wondering – What is the Sound of Humanity’s Freedom?

And so, the transformative planet Pluto entered Aquarius, sign of humanity itself, of freedom, of hopes, wishes and dreams of a new future, of community and cooperation and charity, last

Male Call

Got an old tie? Should you clean it or toss it?

Q. I have a collection of old and new ties that are not all in good condition. Can they be cleaned or updated, and how do I know if the

Male Call

What does “dressed to the nines” mean?

Q. Years ago, on my first formal outing with my new in-laws, everyone had gathered in the living room to leave, when someone remarked that “everyone was dressed to the

Risa's Astrology

New Moon Festival, Pluto Enters Aquarius, Aquarian Salon

Thursday, January 11, is the first new moon of 2024. At new moon times, we uphold and support the work of the New Group of World Servers, working everywhere in

Male Call

How to look fresh and crisp when traveling

Q. When I travel for work I always have an issue with my jackets or suits looking wrinkled. I have a 3-day trip coming up and would love to get

Risa's Astrology

Epiphany, Revelation & the Three Kings of Today

We are now progressing forward into the new year of 2024. We continue to walk with the Three Magi Astrologer Kings (three stars of Orion in the heavens) towards Bethlehem,

Male Call

A better way to organize your clothes

Q. While New Year’s resolutions are always kind of silly, I’m trying to figure out a better way to address my clothing and closet going forward. I have a bunch

Risa's Astrology

Walking with the Magi Astrologer Kings into the New Year

We begin the new year, January 1, 2024, under a stationing (standing still) Mercury. A Mercury station means anything could occur in the coming year. Life itself becomes life unexpected.

Male Call

Q. How long are my pants supposed to be in the winter? I don’t want  them getting damp and soaking my shoes and ankles in the slush. A. I’m afraid the

Risa's Astrology

Solstice, Christmas & Gifts of Each Sign

And so here we are in the last days of the year, Friday, the Sun enters Capricorn and it’s winter solstice. Monday is Christmas. At winter solstice, (Latin for “sun