Last week of Mercury Retrograde
While in its “retrograde shadow” Mercury’s not yet quite moving forward with it’s usual “messenger” speed.
Rant’s Tomb
On a date, you should merely be splashing your personality around, tempted as you may be to hold a guy down and try to drown him in it.
Playing With Mismatches
The French make this sort of mismatch sound sexy and fabulous, calling what she’s feeling “la douleur exquise” — the “exquisite pain” of wanting somebody you can’t have.
Aquarius Calling, Humanity Rising
Aquarius (eleventh sign after Aries) is the sign of service – serving one another, building community. Aquarius is fixed air – stabilizing new ideas in the world.
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius
The magical time of Mercury’s retrograde cycle is here once again (till February 11th, and then some). Mercury retro cycle actually lasts 8 weeks when we consider its retrograde shadow. Giving us 6 months a year for review.
Urning Curve
If you’re putting on some skimpy somethings to get your boyfriend in the right mindset in bed, ideally, they aren’t three strategically located “Hello, My Name Is…” stickers.
Leave Story
When a man disappears on you after a great first date, it’s natural to search your mind for the most plausible explanation — that is, whichever one doesn’t shred your ego and feed it to your fish.
Serving in Aquarius – Sun, New Moon in Aquarius
While resting on the mountaintop of Capricorn the disciples, hearing the cries of humanity in need, knew they would return to Earth, to serve in Aquarius and save in Pisces (the last two signs). Tuesday, Sun enters Aquarius.
You've Got Bail
When you date a “bad boy,” there are always adjustments to be made, like getting adjusted to how he’s sleeping with three of your friends.
The Unicorn
All twelve astrological signs have glyphs and symbols. The higher intuitive mind understands concepts through symbols.