Smells Like Bean Spirit
My girlfriend of a year is 51 and lovely in most areas — except one: She often passes gas and recently started belching audibly. She is a psychotherapist, dresses nicely,
Wesak (Water) Taurus Solar Festival, Buddha Blesses the Earth
A most important celebration occurs Sunday, May 3, – the Wesak Taurus Buddha Solar Festival/full moon. At the moment of the full moon the Buddha’s presence enters the Earth plane
Is Chivalry Dead?
All The Single M’ladies I read your manners book and loved it. I just feel that for most men, chivalry is dead. Maybe feminism killed it, and maybe men have
International Earth Day – Mother Earth Day
As more than a billion people participate in Earth Day activities every year, Earth Day has become the world’s largest civic observance. The massive concern to build right relations between
Shake It Till You Make It
I’m new to online dating. I’m a nice, good-looking guy with a good job, but I have a muscular condition that causes me to shake a lot. I’m not looking
Pluto Retrograde, Aries New Moon, Lyrid Meteor Showers
As the Lyrid meteors, radiating from the star Vega in the Harp constellation, begin showering heaven and earth with light, Pluto, planet of transformation (or die) turns stationary retrograde (Thursday,
Flee Circus
My mom left when I was young, and my former husband left me, too. Maybe because of this, I’ve noticed that I’m quick to assume that any man I’m seeing
Passion Week, Eclipse, Full Moon, Aries Festival, Passover & Easter
We have entered a most important week of multiple festivals. Three Ages and religious festivals – stages for humanity’s development – are occurring simultaneously.
Spring Triangle – Three Spring Festivals
The Spring signs Aries, Taurus and Gemini constitute a triangle of force that sets the template for the nine signs that follow and the template for the entire year (Spring 2015-Spring 2016) ahead.
Eyes That Light Up A Womb
Saying you won’t have kids for “moral reasons” sounds better than my reasons: I find them loud, sticky, and expensive.