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Advice Advice Goddess

The Science of Make-Up Sex

Sex can be a form of peacekeeping, since your girlfriend can’t be screaming that you loaded the dishwasher wrong if she’s screaming, “OHGOD!OHGOD!OHGOD!”

Advice Risa's Astrology

Light in the Mind, Light of the World

On July 15th, at the new moon (no light) something new was initiated in the Unites States called Jade Helm (July 15 – Sept. 15).

Advice Advice Goddess

Mourning Breath

You’ve got a bad case of the “coulda shouldas,” which, in psychology, is called “counterfactual thinking,” as in thinking “counter” to the actual “facts” of what happened.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Let Isolation Be the Rule

The entire week builds toward Wednesday’s (July 15) new moon of Cancer (23.14 degrees). Mercury has entered Cancer.

Advice Advice Goddess

Requiem For A Scream

There are a number of reasons women fake orgasms, like that the guy is taking FOREVER.

Advice Risa's Astrology

We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident

Saturday, July 4th, is the 239th birthday of the United States commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence (the U.S. astrology chart has Aquarius moon – freedom for its people, by its people).

Advice Advice Goddess

Emotion Sickness

There are times you may want to tell a woman to calm down, like when you lack live electrical wire to chew on or are curious as to how the nurses would react if you walked into the ER with your head under your arm.

Advice Advice Goddess

Crowd Mary: Feed Extroversion with Activity

There’s nothing like that thrill of finally getting a text on some Saturday night — and then realizing it’s just your grandma playing with her new iPhone.

Advice Risa's Astrology

‘I Build a Lighted House & Therein Dwel’

Wednesday, June 24th, Chiron turns stationary retrograde (we turn inward) at 21.33 degrees Pisces. We usually speak of “retrograde” when referring to Mercury.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Summer Solstice, Sun Gods, Uriel & Father’s Day

Sunday is Summer Solstice (in the northern hemisphere/Winter Solstice in the southern hemisphere) and Father’s Day.