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Advice Advice Goddess

Wed Blanket

Nothing says “I want to make mad, passionate love to you” like a referral to a skilled and honest auto mechanic.

Advice Advice Goddess

Do I Look Infatuated In This?

Ah, yes…your love is like a summer’s day — if a summer’s day chased its lemonade with two Red Bulls and a five-shot latte.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Mercury Retrograde, Fall Equinox, Yom Kippur, Forgiveness

We have a complex week ahead. Wednesday Jupiter opposite Neptune (Virgo/Pisces). Synthesis. A most auspicious, kind and loving day.

Advice Advice Goddess

Nappily Ever After

So what did he do before you moved in, just chain her to the radiator while he took a snooze?

Advice Risa's Astrology

Calling Humanity, Humanity in Crisis

There is a humanitarian crisis in Europe. Affecting the world. Thousands of refugees, forced out of their countries due to war, persecution, terrorism, injustices, slavery, violence, death squads, etc., seeking refuge & asylum in many European countries.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Venus Direct, Mercury Retro Soon, Honoring Our Labors

As Burning Man (9 days, Aug. 30-Sept. 7 in the sign of Virgo) burns in the hot white desert sands, a petal of the rose created by retrograde Venus & the 12-petaled Sun in Virgo petals unfold.

Advice Advice Goddess

Getting More Exorcise

Nothing says “I’m over you” like a Saturday night text blitz of hate and real estate.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Seasons of Opportunity

Everything in our world has a specific time (a season) in which to accomplish a specific work. A “season” that begins (opportunity) and ends (time’s up).

Advice Advice Goddess

Wait Lifting: On Moving A Relationship Further

Try to think of this as artisanal dating. Maybe he’s finished building the bed out of antique Popsicle sticks but his carpal tunnel kicked in while he was killing the flock of ducks for the mattress or spinning the cotton for the sheets.

Risa's Astrology

The Secret Life of Virgo

Careful on Thursday. We could stumble, wound, hurt, be unaware, have revelations that create a revolution.