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Advice Risa's Astrology

What We Bring to the Thanksgiving Table

Thursday is Thanksgiving – feast of gratitude and of giving. Sagittarius Sun, Libra Moon.

Advice Risa's Astrology

America – A Curious, Fascinating and Fragile Venture

This column was written prior to the Nov. 8 election, so I cannot comment on who was elected. Whomever is our republic’s president, half of us are happy & the other half are not.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Voting in Scorpio – the Test. Which Candidate is the Disciple?

Libra said to us, “Let choice be made.” Now in Scorpio we act upon our choice by voting. I urge everyone to vote. Everyone’s vote is important.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Ghosts, Goblins & Spirits

As the Sun enters Scorpio we all of a sudden enter the autumn festivals, especially Halloween (the day after Scorpio new moon), All Souls and All Saints days.

Risa's Astrology

The Candidates & the Election – Our Test

As we come to the end of Libra and enter Scorpio, we move close to the time when, this election year, we are asked to make a final choice.

Risa's Astrology

Festival of Joy (Sukkot), Building Shelters, & the Full Hunter’s Moon

Saturday is the Full Hunter’s moon which means it’s the Libra solar festival (23 degrees Libra).

Advice Risa's Astrology

Inscribed in the Book of Life

Mercury enters Libra this week. Mercury signifies our thoughts, communications and ideas.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Michaelmas, Libra New Moon, Rosh Hashanah

Thursday, September 29th, is Michaelmas, Feast of St. Michael, honoring Archangel Michael, protector of the Earth during Autumn.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Peace Messengers, Mercury Direct, Autumn Equinox

Wednesday, is the United Nations International Day of Peace. It calls all of humanity to gather together in a spirit of peace and to commit to intentions for peace even amidst differences.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Mercury Retrograde, New Moon Solar Eclipse

Last Tuesday (August 30) Mercury began its three-week retrograde lasting till September 21, moving backwards from 29 degrees to 15 degrees Virgo.