Risa's Astrology
Planetary Shifts, Movements, Retrogrades and a New Moon
Sun enters Taurus, Wednesday, sign of illumination. Around midnight, Sun joins Mercury in Taurus, offering an important message.
Two Retrogrades & Two Festivals
Two planets (Saturn and Mercury) retrograde this week and we have two festivals (Palm Sunday & the Aries Spring Festival). Sunday is Palm Sunday and next Sunday is Easter.
Three Spring Festivals – Aries, Taurus, Gemini – Restoring the Plan on Earth
Since winter solstice, the New Group of World Servers has been preparing for the Three Spring festivals (Aries, Taurus, Gemini solar festivals at the time of the full moon), and especially for Wesak, the Buddha Full Moon Festival in Taurus.
New Rhythms, New Archetypes, New Ideas for a New World
We are in the full stream of Aries fire now. Spring has arrived and new life is emerging in the Northern Hemisphere. The new Spiritual Year began at Spring Equinox
Venus Retrograde in Aries
Venus is retrograde in Aries. Retrogrades are times of re-evaluation and review. Venus represents our possessions, values, relationships (lovers, partners, intimate friends).
Conflict & Chaos Between the Ages
We are completing the month of Aquarius this week. However, Mercury remains in Aquarius and we are entering the Age of Aquarius (Ages last 2,500 years). So Aquarius will be with us for a very long time.
Lunar Eclipse – Something Disappears
Friday afternoon/early evening we have the Aquarius solar festival and full moon with the first lunar eclipse of 2017.
Jupiter Retrogrades in Libra – Are We Balanced, Are We Gracious?
Here we are already in February, the month of Aquarius & Pisces, of Groundhog Day (Candlemas Day, Imbolc, cross quarter day between winter & spring), Valentines, Chinese new year, the Lantern Festival at the full moon, birthdays of presidents Lincoln & Washington, and for this year, the month of two eclipses (lunar Feb. 10, solar Feb. 26). February also informs us that spring (March 20th) is one month away.
Waters of Life Poured Forth for Thirsty Humanity
The sun enters Aquarius Thursday afternoon right after Mars squares Saturn (a transit that can be a quite challenging – we move forward and are pulled back).
Waters of Life Poured Forth for Thirsty Humanity
The sun enters Aquarius Thursday afternoon right after Mars squares Saturn (a transit that can be a quite challenging – we move forward and are pulled back)