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Advice Risa's Astrology

Lunar Eclipse – Something Disappears

Friday afternoon/early evening we have the Aquarius solar festival and full moon with the first lunar eclipse of 2017.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Jupiter Retrogrades in Libra – Are We Balanced, Are We Gracious?

Here we are already in February, the month of Aquarius & Pisces, of Groundhog Day (Candlemas Day, Imbolc, cross quarter day between winter & spring), Valentines, Chinese new year, the Lantern Festival at the full moon, birthdays of presidents Lincoln & Washington, and for this year, the month of two eclipses (lunar Feb. 10, solar Feb. 26). February also informs us that spring (March 20th) is one month away.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Waters of Life Poured Forth for Thirsty Humanity

The sun enters Aquarius Thursday afternoon right after Mars squares Saturn (a transit that can be a quite challenging – we move forward and are pulled back).

Advice Risa's Astrology

Waters of Life Poured Forth for Thirsty Humanity

The sun enters Aquarius Thursday afternoon right after Mars squares Saturn (a transit that can be a quite challenging – we move forward and are pulled back)

Risa's Astrology

“I Have Seen the Promised Land”

On Thursday, Mercury slowly moving forward, re-enters Capricorn. All communication becomes practical, matter of fact and may sound harsh.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Epiphany & the Three Astrologer Kings

In our beginning weeks of January 2017 there is already much activity in the skies influencing each of us.

Risa's Astrology

Solstice, Hanukkah & Christmas – A Star Shines Forth

With the Sun entering Capricorn, winter is here (northern latitudes). Mercury is retrograde also in Capricorn and in the sky soon (Christmas morning) the planets (Venus/Jupiter) that formed the Christmas star more than 2000 years ago are trine (harmonious) on this Christmas morning, 2016.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Darkness Always Precedes the Light

This is our last week before Winter Solstice. Mercury retrogrades (Monday, Dec. 19) through Christmas and into 2017.

Advice Risa's Astrology

Light in the Dark – Full Moon on Santa Lucia Day

Tuesday, Dec. 13 (Winter Solstice, Julian calendar) is the Feast of St. Lucia (Lucy). Lucia, from Latin “luc, lux”, means “light”, “lucid.”

Risa's Astrology

Advent, Liturgy, Light in the Darkness, St. Nicholas

December, month of hopes, anticipations and expectations (suspense for the little ones), is filled with festivals of light in the ever increasing darkness.