Risa's Astrology
Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule
We are seeing the two dimensions of Scorpio and the Nine Tests playing themselves out in our country (the U.S.). The two dimensions are two different perceptions about the president
Remembering We Are a Courageous People
I am writing this a week before election day so I have no information on the election’s outcome. All I know is that if an election is held during two
From the battle we emerge triumphant
Every year at this time, around Halloween, the veils between the worlds become transparent and spirits return to Earth for a visit. This occurs during Scorpio, sign of all things
Mercury Retrograde — Inner Direction
Mercury, the planet that clarifies thinking, observing, deciding and making intelligent choices, etc. turned retrograde on Tuesday (Oct. 13) in Scorpio (sign of the Nine Tests & the call to
Mercury Retrograde & Heartbeat of the Future
Libra and soon Scorpio are moving humanity swiftly towards the election (held in Scorpio, Nov. 3, with multiple retrogrades occurring!). Libra’s task each year is to help humanity choose between
Saturn – Teacher, Guardian, Time-Keeper & Rule of Law
All the planets at one time or another turn retrograde (appearing to move backwards), creating an inward-focused time. At present, Mars, Uranus, Neptune Pluto and Chiron are retrograde. And soon
Autumn’s Circadian Rhythms
I have mentioned often in my columns, website and FB about circadian rhythms. These are the rhythms of light and dark, Sun and moon, the seasonal rhythms, new and full
New Moon, Days of Awe & Peace as Autumn Begins
We have multiple festivals this week. All festivals, from ancient religions to our spiritual practices today, are astrologically based. The heavens – Sun, Moon, stars & planets – are God’s
Mars Retrograde Asking “Whom Do We Serve?”
Mars begins its almost 10-week retrograde Wednesday, September 9th and will continue its retrograde movement (occurring during the election, November 3rd) until November 13th. It is a most momentous time
Shadow Times – Retrogrades Ahead
We begin the week with the Virgo festival with the full Corn, Barley and Harvest moon shining brightly in the night sky. Virgo hides and protects a new reality always