Crazy Cad Lady
Four months ago, I started hooking up with this hot guy I met on Tinder. He isn’t someone I’d normally go for; he’s a total mess and serious trouble. He
Leo – Shining Like Sunlight
Leo is the month in which we praise one another. Recognizing the creative luminous light of purpose within everyone’s life.
Break-In: The Kremlin-Trump Connection
Richard Nixon had “The Plumbers.” Donald Trump, it seems, has the Russians—either the FSB (Federal Security Service, formerly the KGB), the GRU (military intelligence), or some pro-Moscow outside group.
Review: “Turn to Gold” by Diarrhea Planet
The album demonstrates a richness to their sound and certainly will provide a new depth to their live sets. There are enough substantial, beautiful sounding moments on this album to give it something worth diving into.
Tools to Create Ripples for People and Planet
Sometimes doing good is free. Employing skills like great communication and critical thinking, empathizing with other humans and non-humans, and centering our actions in love and friendship are just a few concepts that are free to use.
Fayetteville Author Pens Giggle Fest Look at American Culture
One of Fayetteville’s greatest hidden treasures is a magical creature named Doug Shields, author of Benjamin Golden Devilhorns, an incredibly witty collection of short stories.
Local Conference Seeks to Empower Creatives’ Business Skills
For many artists, musicians, creatives of any sort, there’s always been a stigma associated with their line of work: if they aren’t famous, they’re a starving artist.
Bojack Horseman Delivers A Stellar Third Season
Bojack Horseman, the strange animated show from Netflix about a world where homo sapiens exist alongside anthropomorphized, walking, talking animals.
Summer Jazz Series Begins
There’s a plethora of unique opportunities to catch some of Northwest Arkansas’ finest jazz musicians performing this summer.
Political Circuses Show Stark Difference
The political party conventions are truly some of the strangest circuses. I’m not so sure there’s much to be especially excited about either party this year.