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Rain Garden Academy at Hobbs

A workshop designed to assist landowners and land managers with financial assistance and knowledge for installing rain gardens on properties in the Beaver Lake Watershed will take place May 2.

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NWA Democratic Black Caucus Announces Minority Educators Banquet

The Northwest Arkansas Democratic Black Caucus’ 2015 Lifetime Achievement award recipients have been announced. Recipients will be honored at the third annual NWA Minority Educators Banquet at 6:30 p.m. Saturday,

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A day for Our Mother Earth

By Tom H. Hastings How many holidays do we have? MLK Day in January, Valentines Day in February, Easter in March or April, Earth Day in April, Memorial Day in

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Stars and Water Quality at Hobbs State Park

Two programs are slated at Hobbs State Park-Conservation Area Visitor Center this weekend. On Saturday, if you have not ever been to one of the free, enjoyable astronomy programs at

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Local Resident Answers Call To Service In FEMA Corps

DENVER — Ariella Amerine, of Farmington, Ark., recently began a 10-month term of national service in FEMA Corps, an AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) program. FEMA Corps provides a

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A Witness to Innocence

Gary Drinkard spent six years on death row for a crime he didn’t commit.

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On “Real Women”

I am an unreal woman, evidently. A fake, a fraud, an alien-woman of sorts. At least that’s what I keep hearing and reading.

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Nonviolent Activists Shape American Identity

As an American writer, I often examine the story of our nation for emergent archetypes of US identity. Several are terribly embarrassing for a citizen of conscience: the Couch Potatoes of Consumer-Capitalist Society, the American Gladiator of War-Rage and Bigotry, the Avaricious and Appalling Wall St. Tycoon.

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Why the Nonviolent Struggle in Syria Still Matters

A revolution that began in 2011 as a peaceful, grass roots, nonviolent protest of the undeniably oppressive Assad regime evolved into something that many Americans such as this writer simply declare as beyond understanding.

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Jewish Whistleblower: America Sponsors Ethnic Cleansing

Due to media disservice, Americans know little Palestinian reality. As Baltzer documents, it is ethnic cleansing, and Israeli leaders have admitted this intention.