Family Friendly
Video Game Summer Report
Now that we’re halfway through 2011, let’s look at the 10 best games so far.
Worst Game Of The Year?
Ah, well. We were having such a good year for video games. It was bound to come to a crashing halt, wasn’t it? Previously, I told you “Duke Nukem” stinks. Now: “Shadows of the Damned.”
Medical Marijuana Group Serious About Signatures
On Monday, I attended a meeting at the Omni Center held by Arkansans for Compassionate Care. It served as a training session for volunteers to help collect signatures in support of the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Act.
Game Dork: Duke Pukem
So here is “Duke Nukem Forever” at last – the most disappointing blockbuster of at least 2011 and possibly hereafter, forevermore, indefinitely, until death do us part.
Bruce and Bugsy
Fayetteville lost a longtime friend on March 7 when Flying Possum Leather owner Bruce Walker tragically lost his life in a fire. By his side to the end was his faithful dog, Bugsy.
All Out June
It’s the fifth year running for the annual NWA Pride Parade and the second year for the monthlong cornucopia of events of All Out June.
First Thursday Puts Clampit On
First Thursday Fayetteville First Thursday’s art, entertainment and food festivities return at 5 p.m. Thursday, June 2 with live music by legendary performer Jed Clampit around the Fayetteville square. The
Muddy Driving
The new racing games “Dirt 3” and “MX vs. ATV Alive” make terrible first impressions — undercutting the fact that they aren’t bad.
‘L.A. Noire’ takes GTA in new direction
“L.A. Noire” is the new open-world diversion from Rockstar Games, the developer behind the wildly popular “Grand Theft Auto” series. In short, this is a fantastic game, but it’s no GTA.