Bruce and Bugsy
Compassion for a man’s companion
By Stephanie Conway
TFW Contributing Writer

Bugsy, shop dog at Flying Possum Leather in Fayetteville, rests near the entrance of the store Aug. 26, 2009.
Fayetteville lost a longtime friend on March 7 when Flying Possum Leather owner Bruce Walker tragically lost his life in a fire.
By his side to the end was his faithful dog, Bugsy. Bugsy somehow survived the fire and was taken to the Fayetteville Animal Shelter. Once news broke of the fire and the fate of Bruce and his dog, the shelter was flooded with phone calls from concerned residents checking on Bugsy’s welfare and offering to adopt him.
Fortunately, Bugsy had a home to go to and his time at the shelter was brief. Other animals who go to the shelter aren’t as lucky. Every dog and cat that comes into the shelter has a story, too. Their stories might not be as tragic as Bugsy’s, but they are all of loss — loss of a safe home, loss of love, loss of knowing if or when they’ll get another meal or if they will ever feel loved and safe again.
Bugsy’s and Bruce’s story touched the hearts of so many because their bond represented what we all look for in each other: companionship and unconditional love — a love so great he stayed by his master’s side until the end. Please consider that all of the dogs and cats at shelters are just like Bugsy. They all need someone to care about their fate and rescue them, too.
Bugsy was truly loved. Every dog should be so lucky.
Meeting Outside The Shelter
For various reasons, some folks are hesitant to visit shelters in search of a new pet. Fortunately, the cats and dogs at the Fayetteville Animal Shelter have opportunities to get out to meet prospective owners.
Currently, shelter cats take turns appearing at PetSmart. Also, the Fayetteville Farmer’s Market is an excellent venue to meet up with shelter dogs. If you have a dog and are considering adopting a companion, bring your pooch up to the square on a Saturday morning to get acquainted. You can meet a variety of dogs and see if they are compatible.
Have a cat but don’t know if a dog would be feline-friendly? Not a problem. Any dog can be tested around the cats to see if they are feline-friendly.