8 Days a Week

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8 Days a Week

Things to Do This Week

SPECIAL EVENTS FIRST THURSDAY RECEPTION — 5 to 8 p.m. today at the Fayetteville Underground, East Square Plaza Basement, 1 E. Center St., Fayetteville. FayettevilleUnderground.com or 387-1534. 5X5 EXHIBITION RECEPTION

8 Days a Week

Fayetteville Film Festival This Weekend

Seedling Film Association (SFA) will be hosting the second annual Offshoot Film Fest — four days of films, education, and fun held today through Sunday in the Global Campus building

8 Days a Week

Local Events Calendar

SPECIAL EVENTS GUEST ARTIST JUDY FOX — Today in FNAR 213 at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. 575-7987. OFFSHOOT FILM FESTIVAL — Today through Sunday. Includes 120 films from

8 Days a Week

8 Days a Week

SPECIAL EVENTS NATIONAL VETERANS CREATIVE ARTS FESTIVAL — through Sunday at the John Q. Hammonds Convention Center in Rogers. Talent competitions in art, creative writing, dance, drama, and music for

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8 Days a Week

SPECIAL EVENTS FALL CRAFTS FAIRS — through Saturday in Bella Vista, through Sunday at Spanker Creek Farm, 8464 W. McNelly Road in Bentonville and at the War Eagle Mill near

8 Days a Week

8 Days A Week

SPECIAL EVENTS FIRST THURSDAY — 5 to 8 p.m. today in Fayetteville. Live music, visual and performing arts, charity beer garden, and more. Opening reception for Kelley Hatfield Wilks, Sabine

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8 Days a Week

SPECIAL EVENTS BIKES, BLUES & BBQ — Through Saturday in and around Fayetteville. Poker run, Parade rides, Battle of the Bikes, Rally rides, Circus Una, Lawn Mower Pulls, Balloon rides,

8 Days a Week

Event Calendar

SPECIAL EVENTS ARTISTS STUDIO TOUR — Friday through Sunday in Eureka Springs. Sixteen artists open their studios to the public. EurekaSpringsStudioTour.com or 363-9402. ART D’VINE — 6 to 9 p.m.

8 Days a Week

8 Days A Week

Special Events NWA SHRINE CIRCUS: 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. today at Parson Stadium in Springdale. Featuring the James Cristy Cole Circus. Two bikes given away at each performance. Elephants, tigers

8 Days a Week

8 Days a Week – Event Calendar

Art and Music VISITING ARTIST LECTURE AND RECEPTION FOR MICHAEL PLATT  — 4:30 p.m. Thursday at FNAR 213 at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. 575-7987. RED, WHITE, AND BLUE